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angel's pov

"whenever you're ready" peep kissed the top of my head "i'll be right here"

"even if you try to kick us out we aren't leaving until you're good" tracy sat the left of me.

"thanks guys" i gave a weak smile as i looked at them "for literally everything. i know i can be a pain in the ass, but you guys have been nothing but kind to me. i appreciate you guys so much" i pulled them in for a hug.

"i'm gonna go to the studio," tracy said.

"have fun," i told him as he gave me a smile.

"i know you're not doing the best, but i'm here, i'll always be here. tell me if you need me and call me if you feelin alone 'cause i'm here, i'm always right here" he sang as he held me.

i just closed my eyes as he held me. it's been sometime now since i've had anyone really hold me. it felt great to just be held by someone you love and they love you. at times i wondered if isaiah felt as alone as i did. did he find someone already? who's he staying with? as far as i know, jah and ski aren't on talking terms with them, and he isn't with them. his grandparents have also been asking me where he is since he's not answering his phone.

it's been almost 4 days since that night with isaiah. at times i feel great then at times, i feel horrible. the best way to describe the feeling is when you're a baby and you finally get the candy you had been asking for and then they just take it all away from you without a warning. they just take it away and you never see it again. you don't even get a glimpse of it anymore, it's just gone.

it's been 3 days since jahseh told me he gave blue away to someone random. that broke my heart the most. we always joked about how that was our kid. i got a pain in my heart when i thought about a conversation we once had.


"blue come here" i called her.

she ran to me with her tongue out. i picked her up placing her on my lap. immediately she made herself comfortable and i smiled.

"i'm back," isaiah said as he walked in through the door.

blue sat up and immediately ran over to isaiah. blue loved isaiah to a whole other level. whenever isaiah left she immediately would cry and bark. after minutes of crying and barking she'd go on about her day, but constantly looking at the door.

"hey blue" he picked her up laughing "i know you like me better" he kissed the top of her head.

i was pretty sure blue was in love with isaiah. it seemed that at times she would get shy around him. at times when isaiah just watches her play outside and she notices him watching she immediately runs behind a tree. at times you can see her peaking to see if he's still looking and if he is she puts her head down to her paws. her tail would be wagging but her head would be down.

"she's in love with you" i laughed as i put my head on isaiah's shoulder.

blue let out a slight growl as i let out a laugh. i put my hand in isaiah's hair and she growled again.

"calm down," isaiah said laughing as he was petting blue's head trying to get her to stop growling at me.

"if we were to ever break up blue would murder me if she stayed with me. she would have to be with you, she's attached to you. whenever you leave she gets so sad and depressed" i told him as blue finally stopped growling.

"this is our kid" he laughed as he put blue down "i don't know what i would do without blue, she keeps me fuckin happy" he watched her run around the living room.

"she's more your kid than mine" i laughed "she only liked me when you're not here. right when you get here i'm nothing to her"

"you're gonna be with me forever" he picked up blue hugging her "wherever i go you go" he kissed the top of her head.

*flashback over*

it confused me that he just gave her away. that didn't seem like something isaiah would just do. they were so attached to each other. at times i would be looking for blue and i would walk into his room to see them sleeping on his bed. isaiah even had a corner dedicated to blue. all her toys, food, treats, and everything for her was there. he loved blue more than me and that was a fact for sure.

i just hope and pray that wherever she is they're treating her right. hopefully, she doesn't feel as alone. one thing we have in common is that isaiah left us. my poor blue probably doesn't even know what's going on.

it's been 2 days since i asked jahseh who he gave blue to. he said it was a random girl, and that pissed me off. jahseh said he offered to keep blue, but isaiah didn't care. my mind immediately went to yazmine, but from what i know she's in new york.

"let's go outback, yeah?" peep asked as he looked down at me.

i nodded my head and he got up from my bed. he put his hand out and i grabbed it. we made our way out back and sat on the chairs. everything was quiet and it was unsettling. normally you could hear jah, ski, or wifis music blasting in the house. blue would normally be running around and barking at the birds that would get too close to her.

"i know shit seems fuckin horrible right now, but time heals. let time do what it does. everything takes time" he told me. 

"i know" i sighed "it just sucks when you love someone for who they are, and they love you for who you are, and then they just leave. it makes you feel so alone and hurt that one of the few people that really knew you just left. he swears he's not good enough for me, but he is. before he left he said he couldn't be with me anymore, he just couldn't. then i found out he gave blue away and that broke my heart even more. you shoulda seen how much blue loved him, so fuckin much. my heart aches for her and how alone she probably feels" 

"let's go find blue" he told me catching me off guard. 

"huh?" i asked looking over at him like he was crazy.

"well from what he know he dropped her off on the way to meeting you. we go drive down to where jah stays and we should see someone walking blue" he told me as he sat up. 

"what're we gonna say?" i asked him confused. 

"the truth" he told me "and if that doesn't work then poke her eyes while i run off with blue," he said laughing. 

"deal" i smiled. 


so apparently the chapter i wrote that had to full conversation with angel and isaiah got deleted??? 

do you guys still want that chapter???

lmk so i can rewrite for you guys 🙄💙

sane // wifisfuneralWhere stories live. Discover now