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my phone notified me loudly, letting me know something was happening on my socials - and unfortunately, my whole class too. i tried to cover it up by looking around with everyone else, pretending to look for the suspect, but everyone around me was already snickering. "elyria," i held my breath when the teacher called out my name and i slowly met her gaze. zen tensed next to me, gripping my hand underneath the table and i squeezed hers in appreciation.

"who's phone was that?" she asked and i had to hold back the biggest sigh of relief. you thanked yourself for being the biggest ass kisser to all your teachers and being their favourite. i glanced at everyone around me and shrugged, "i don't know. sorry ma'am." she nodded in understanding returned back to the presentation on the board. "oh my god." zen whispered in a low chuckle, nudging my shoulder with hers and let go of my hand. i smiled at her and made a motion to wipe the back of my hand across my forehead, "that was a close call."

the lesson was pretty interesting. usually when learning about female oppression i'd feel sorrowful, how we had struggled such as to even get sanitary products and rights to get decent jobs of decent pay. but with my teach being so passionate about the topic and shining it in such an empowering light, i felt pretty proud to be woman. sure, like it's hard when you have a vagina but there's so much power female's have that could never be described perfectly.

the bell rang, signifying break time and it was like the whole room sighed in relief.

"hurry up slow poke!" zen urged, already slinging her bag over her shoulder and bouncing in one spot. i threw everything into my bag as quickly as i could before standing up off my chair and making my way to the car park, alongside my best friend.

we climbed into my car and made our way to the hangout place we always did when it was break time. the day we found it was when i bled all over my clothes unexpectedly and instead of spending the day horrified and embarrassed, zen took me home to get changed before taking me out for ice cream. ever since then we've just gone there to hang out, besides my house. unfortunately, zen's homophobic guardians didn't trust anyone sleeping over as if zen would just jump into anyone's pants despite clearly not being interested in men. i guess it seems impossible to the heteronormative couple to believe that gays could have standards and don't just go around having orgies.

i sat down in the booth that fixed itself in a quiet corner. zen and my asses should be imprinted in these seats by now; we come here every day: before, during and after school.

"so who messaged you during class?" zen curiously popped the question as she waved at the waiters and waitresses behind the counter on the opposite wall, greeting all the familiar faces. "since when have you been interested in my social life?" i teased, smiling up at the waiter who brought us our usuals.

i felt bubbly at the thought of being so important here that we didn't even have to place an order, seeing as zen and i usually got the same thing every time.

"ever since you became so popular that someone messaged you in class." she chuckled, immediately wrapping her lips around the straw and indulging in her milkshake. i pulled out my phone, sliding down my notification to see a message on twitter. anxiously i debated whether opening it or not but my best friend already slid around the table next to me and tapped the bird app open. i moaned at her while the screen showed the two texts but stopped when zen gaped at what it showed.

"elyria? what is this?" zen exasperated in a whisper, shaking my shoulders as my eyes began to cognate what was sent to me.

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