Chapter 3: Behind you

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English is not my first language but i always try my best not to make mistakes, i am also kinda bad at explaining so sorry guys. Enjoy💜

Hana's Pov

'HANA!' Jungkook screamed. "WHAT WILL WE DO NOW?"

"Um idk Jungkook, i don't think we should ride the roller coaster" I said.

"B-but what if they-" I cut him off since i remember what the main character did when this happened in the movie.

I took his hand and started finding that narrow alley (?)( Idk if it will be called an alley)

"Hana! Where are we going?"

"Jungkook, you need to stay quiet, trust me and follow me okay? I am gonna get us out of here" I said shushing him.

We were running around until i found it... I ran towards it. It was an alleyway that was exact same as the one in the movie and as far as I remember, the main character hid there when the roller coaster started.

I ran towards a bush and quickly hid behind it dragging Jungkook along with me.

"Jungkook, listen... Now whatever I do, trust me in it and follow okay?" I gave him pleading look.

"I don't know Hana... I don't think we will ever get out of here" He put his head in his hands from frustration. As much as I wanted to accuse him for it since if he never forced me to come here... We wouldn't have been stuck in this situation, i just tried to think from his perspective since he had 0 ideas about this all happening.

Just when I was about to speak to console him, the roller coaster started on it's full speed and many screams were heard. It was going on an inhumane speed, eventhough roller coasters don't scare me... The speed was too much for a human to not be scared. It's scary by even looking at it, think about those sitting there...

But what triggered me the most was the fountain of blood that flew from now the dead bodies on the roller coaster around the carnival. (idk if you get it but i mean due to screaming... Their heads were cut off... because they were on height at full speed... It caused the blood to splatter everywhere. I am kinda bad at explaining, hope this helped) I was shaking while looking at the roller coaster. We all could hear a loud voice laughing like a maniac. He was enjoying it. As much as I wanna just smack his face and send him to mars, i can't... Because God knows what powers he have.

Watching the movie on TV, knowing it could never be reality wasn't scary, it was more like enjoyment but knowing that I am stuck in this situation myself where i don't know whether i can survive or not, it's frustrating and scary as hell. But what I do know is that I will not give up that easily and get us out of here no matter what.

I wanted to do whatever the characters in the movie did, since they did make out of this mess...ALIVE. Hope i can too. It was the time to run and hide in another spot. Just when i was about to go, Jungkook held onto me tightly. "H-hana, please, let's just stay here or we will get caught"

"Jungkook, i told you that you have to trust me and follow me" I repeated my words once again.

"B-but what if we get caught while running?" He asked with frightened eyes. I sighed. He is being too stubborn again. I had enough of his attitude, although he didn't know this will happen, he should've listened to me when i told him i don't have a good feeling about this all... But he didn't so atleast now he should.

"I knew we shouldn't have come... It was a bad idea. Only if you never convinced me!" I whisper-yelled.

"Stop blaming me! It's not my fault. I didn't know this will happen" He said. I was going to answer him but my eyes went behind him and they widened and a lump made its way through my throat. No words were coming out, i forced myself into saying....

"J-Jungkook, l-look behind y-you" When he turned around he saw...

A/N: Mystery remains... Anyways, this is a shit book, i tried making it horrror, idk where it is going. I am trying to add something more horror so yeah wait and watch. Forgive me if it's too boring for you. I am having my revision classes for exams these days and well... I get too tired so i won't be posting for a while now... till like 1st July. Maybe I will post chapter 4 before my exams start. Let's see if i can post all chapters by then. Hope you enjoyed😊

P.S. Guys am tired so i will recheck at night but i am publishing it right now since I wrote it 2 days ago and it's still in draft. I wanna finish this book asap especially before my exams.

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