Chapter 4: Save me

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Hana's POV

"J-Jungkook, l-look behind y-you"

When he turned around he saw that the popcorn stall was in the air. It changed the position from jungkook's back to our side. The popcorn stall turned towards me and was coming towards me in full speed. I was froze at the sight, I couldn't react. All I did was widen my eyes and then close my eyes tightly waiting for the stall to hit me but instead i was pulled by my waist and my head hit a hard chest.

I opened my eyes see Jungkook hugging me tightly while his eyes were tightly closed. "Are you okay, Hana?" he asked as soon as he opened his eyes. We made an eye contact.

"Yes, I am fine... What about you?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"I am totally fine, don't worry." He said.

He was still holding onto me. "Jungkook, come on, we gotta get out of here. Now listen to me okay??"

"Hmm... Okay"

We broke out of the hug. I hold his wrist once again and run towards the back of the carnival. There! I found it! The door!! We can finally get out!!

"STOP RIGHT THERE! ESCAPE THIS CARNIVAL. AND YOU.WILL.REGRET!" We heard the same loud devil voice booming (is that a word? If not, then I just made it😂) through the carnival once again.

I can't remember... What happened in the movie after this...? Oh shit! Darn it! I didn't even watch the whole movie. Jungkook barged in and took me to this mf carnival... Now what should I do... Our life is based on my choices now. I am just a foot away from that door... I can't give up now!

"ON YOUR FACE MOTHERFUCKER. MAY YOU ROT IN HELL." I yelled before stepping outside with Jungkook. As soon as I got outside, i ran away from the carnival and then reached a busy street. I fell down on my knees and started laughing.

"Pffft, that was so easy! Ahahaha" i said laughing non stop.

"Oh yes... Yes it was" Jungkook said with strange husky voice, I looked up at him, he wasn't laughing... He was smirking while looking at me. Creepy.

"Oh God, stop scaring me! What's with that voice?" I asked while giving him a weird look.

"Hmm... Nothing, you will see babygirl." He said again with the husky voice.

Babygirl? What the heck is wrong with him??

"Stop it kook! You're scaring me now!" I yelled.

Everyone stopped in their tracks and were looking at us weirdly. I looked around my surroundings and bowed down as an apology. I looked infront of me again. He is not here... Where did he go? Maybe he was just trying to scare me? Whatever, I will ask him tomorrow. It was already morning and i was tired as hell so I went home.

Time skip

I woke up due the alarm ringing annoyingly, I stood up and did my morning or should I say afternoon routine. I was still thinking what was wrong with Jungkook all of a sudden. I was brought out of my thoughts by loud banging on my door. I flinched due the loudness. I ran towards it while screaming "COMING!"

As soon as I opened the door... I saw Jungkook badly bruised, he looked really pale. I could tell he didn't sleep for so long by the bags under his eyes. My heart broke to see him like this. I couldn't bear to see my best friend in this state.


"H-hana... S-save m-me pl-ease..."

To be continued... Hope you enjoyed this shit chapter😋💜

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