Chapter 7: Safe

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Guys, I feel like this chapter isn't uhm horror... The whole book was kinda idk, nothing was really horrific. But I tried my best! I will try editing and fixing this book as much as I can, thank you. Enjoy~

Hana's POV

We went inside the carnival just to see Jungkook tied up to the roller coaster, the path ended to some metal wall with sharp cone shaped blades attached to it, the speed of the roller coaster was fixed to maximum but the roller coaster wasn't moving yet. It was 11:30 pm currently and we did not have enough time.

I looked back at my friends only to see nothing, I looked everywhere and found them knocked out on the floor, I rushed to them since I couldn't do this without their help. I shook them one by one crying their name out but nothing worked. I fell down on my knees and tears made their way to my eyes. This is the end. I can't save my kookie. 'No Hana! You have to save him! You can do this! Don't give up.' A voice in my head said.

I looked up at Jungkook. I closed my eyes, his bunny smile, his sparkling doe eyes, his whining for banana milk, his hugs, his disgustingly cute aegyos. A smile made it's way through my face. I will save you Jungkook. I won't give up till the last breath.

"I warned you, didn't I??" That voice... That voice I hate so much. I opened my eyes to see Jungkook standing in front of me now. His eyes blood red. His face badly bruised. I will not get scared of you anymore.


"Why would I? I like it in here, besides he would be my slave when i kill him in 20 minutes anyways" He said in his loud devil voice.

"I am not gonna let that happen!" I yelled out.

"Okay honey, try your best" He said as he disappeared.

"JUNGKOOK? JUNGKOOK? WHERE ARE YOU!?" I don't have much time left... I have no idea where Jungkook is because this devil took over his body, how will I bring him back!

Suddenly, all the lights in the carnival started to flicker, the stalls rose up and fell with a loud thud, creepy laughs were surrounding me. I put my hands on my ears since that voice was too loud and it was hurting my ears and I fell down on my knees.

"What happened now eh? Lost that confidence you had?" He said making my blood boil. "Say goodbye!" The creepy laughs grew but i just ignored them this time, the lights stopped flickering and the stalls came at rest.

"Are you sure it will be me who will say goodbye? I still have 15 mins and I have you in front of my eyes, i will do whatever I can" I said as I smiled mischievously.

"Of course, you and i both know that you wouldn't do anything to your Jungkook" He said.

"Of course i wouldn't do anything to him but I can do something to you!" I yelled.

I think i angered him alot since he started rushing towards me with in an inhumane speed as his eyes went blood red and a black aura was surrounding him, all the rides started on full speed, the lights once again started flickering. I closed my eyes tightly and said

"Remember the time I first met you in the park? The time i dropped your ice cream by mistake and you started ranting?"

I opened my eyes to see that he stopped on his place and was now staring at me. Our eyes were locked

"I told you I will buy you a new one but you didn't shut up so i shoved mine into your mouth ahahaha" A sad giggle escaped from my mouth.

"Also remember the time-"

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