Part 1: This is a joke, right?

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"Doc, I can't do it. It just happens. I don't know why it does, or how, it just.. it messes up my brain."

"Calm down, my boy. What can a series of colors possibly give you any sort of harm?"

"You don't understand! It.. it... it gives me nightmares!"

"They're just nightmares. Forget them, you're deluding yourself with such nonsense. Nothing's wrong with you."


Dennis stared at the poster before him. It was painted with all sorts of colours, there were no pictures, but it said: ' Funhouse of Happiness , now open! '

"So are we gonna go or what?" Alexa asked, still combing her hair. 

"To tell the truth you guys, why is a carnival poster posted on our wall? I mean shouldn't it be..." Steve had trouble finding the words, so his sister continued for him. 

"Shouldn't it be at the carnival?" 

Rex adjusted his glasses before saying, "This poster is on every school's wall, guys... even at Fairview." 

Dennis sighed. "They're trying a bit too hard to attract customers..."

"It's called an advertisement, dude." Gabriel informed him. He scratched the back of his head, turning his gaze on the poster. Somehow, it made him feel uncomfortable. "It's even on the internet."

"My question's not answered yet."

Alexa pouted. "Are we gonna go?"

"Depends on you." Dennis took a snapshot of the poster with his phone. He checked the picture in case he got it blurry before shoving it back in his backpack. "But if you ask me, they could have put some effort to their posters." 

Gabriel nodded. "I agree. it's too-"

"Just because it doesn't have a picture doesn't mean it's not going to be fun!" Sarra interrupted. "Who knows, maybe it's going to be a blast! I'm definitely going!" She hugged her brother's arm. "Of course, Steve's going too."

"Well, if you're going, I am, too." Alexa said, yawning. "It's boring at home anyway."

"Hey! Don't leave me out!" Damien chirped., waving his arms frantically in the air to catch his friends' attention.

"Oh, shush, Damien. We're all going." Gabzy told him with a hint of annoyance in his voice. 

"Wait, all of us?!" Rex asked, half-screaming and half-asking. If he were to go, then that meant he had to deal with clowns. He had a phobia of clowns. None of them were sure why he feared them, but they chose not to ask him about it, since he'll easily freak out about the subject.

"Don't worry, Rex. I'm going even when I hate mirrors, so it'll be fine." Gabzy replied, though Rex could've sworn he heard him mutter an 'I think' under his breath. 

"Okay then! Do we all agree?" Sarra asked the group. They nodded, except for Dennis, who was distracted by the poster on the wall. "Dennis..?" Sarra waved a hand in front of her friend's face, snapping him out of his line of thought. 

"Huh? What?" He darted his eyes to look at the girl standing beside him, a worried look on her face. 

"Are you ok? You've been spacing out a lot more lately." She pointed out.

Dennis scratched his right cheek sheepishly, an awkward smile gracing his face. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine." He moved his gaze back at the poster. "It's just that..." He shrugged. "My remnants, you know?" he said, but there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice. Something was bothering him, and he didn't know what it was.

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