Part 7: Mirror Mirror

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     They couldn't quite believe it. Two hours have passed since they've 'rescued' the girl, and they've tried to converse with her, but so far, all she told them was her name: Carla Fuente. Alan gave her some of the food he packed from round ten, back when there was a bonus they've won after they cleared it. "It's just fish and chips, though." Alan told Carla, frowning. "I'm sorry I can only give you leftovers, Carla."

She shook her head vigorously 'no', waving her hand in the air as she chomped down her food like a predator that hasn't eaten in days. Technically, she hasn't eaten for days.

     The little boy with black tights and green hair had hydrated her through a tube while she was buried inside the miniature lego building, which wasn't all that small. Carla called it a coffin. He even provided her an oxygen tank. Carla didn't inform them about that, though. She feared the kid in the screen-- or the mastermind, she preferred to call him, would hurt her friends, who were probably tons of rounds ahead of her by now. "Stay behind, you chose wisely." The mastermind had said, before she and Martin, Stefan and Yanna handled round twelve back then as she made her choice that'd change their fates. "Go with them, you'll be sorry." His sickening laugh made Carla's stomach churn, but she knew she didn't have much of a choice. She stayed behind, with a heavy-heart. The last thing she heard was her boyfriend Martin's screams of rage.

     Dennis knelt beside her. "Can't you tell us anything else?" He asked, obviously eager for answers. Carla swallowed a chip, staring at him. She was silent. Dennis added, "Like how you got here. Were others with you? Are you a victim?"

     "Who's behind all this?" Sarra interrupted rudely. Gabriel elbowed her at the side. "Ow! Hey watch it, idiot!" Sarra hissed. She glared at him.

Steve tugged at her sleeve. "S-sarra.." he stammered. Huh, her little tantrums seem to still have an effect on him. "Now's not the time to argue.."

     "Hmph!" Sarra huffed, tearing her eyes off Gabriel. Gabriel smirked.

"Looks like your little brother's on MY side, Sarra." He said, then Sarra muttered for him to shut up. Rex sighed. "We're trapped in this place, but all we do is mess around..."

     To their surprise, Carla whispered something. Dennis had to lean closer to hear better. "Come again?"

     "Yes.." Carla said. "I'm a victim.."

Alan sat on her other side. "Were you always alone?"

     "No." Carla rubbed her arm nervously, like something was about to happen, but she can't explain what. "F-friends.. classmates.." Alan studied her. She was different from them. Most Filipinos normally had black hair and brown irises, while she had brown hair and purple irises. Apart from Dennis, the twins and Damien, she really stood out.

"Are you a foreigner?" He asked, already knowing the answer. He guessed right.

Carla said, "No," shaking her head lightly. "I'm from America. Why'd you ask?"

      Rex's eyes widened. "An Americana?  Here in the Funhouse?" He said. "I know you people visit the Philippines a lot, but I never expected you guys to visit this place. It's hell!"

Carla tilted her head to the side, confused. "What are you talking about?" She knit her eyebrows together. "Aren't we in the U.S.?"

Dennis said no, and Carla covered her mouth in shock. "But.. h-how?"

"We don't know." Dennis admitted. "All we know is that things are getting weirder and weirder."

"And it's about to!" A high-pitched voice chided from the hidden speakers.

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