Part 8: Riddled Questions

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        Rex's eyes stung. He guessed it must've been because of him repeatedly seeing his reflection after running around the room with seemingly endless mirros, and getting the air knocked out of his lungs, he was in pretty bad shape. Either that, or he just wanted to break down and cry because of all the blood and guts all around him.

        And those happened to belong to a certain Americana he met not so long ago.

        So the mini killer robots didn't intend to kill them all, afterall.

        Their faces were smeared in blood, and they had no spare clothing to wipe it off, so they used their sleeves. As much as it disgusted Rex, he didn't have much of a choice. He wondered how his cowardly friend Damien could handle it. It made him feel a lot better. At least he wasn't the one that fainted a lot.

        'We're not all doomed,' Rex thought. 'We still have a good shot at this. If we just follow his instructions, I can get out of here once and for—' he mentally slapped himself. "I?" why didn't he think of "we?" he can't be the only one who should escape. That would be like betraying his friends. 'Okay, brain, stop that. I need to focus first.'  

                They regrouped, going to where Dennis was. It wasn't that hard, they only neded to find the spot where the blood shower's source was. Rex and Alan got there first, finding Dennis in a state of trance, sitting cross-legged before three other teenagers that stood before him. One of them was crying— a little girl who looked around twelve or thirteen. Rex wondered how they got here. 'Maybe they're the other victims, the ones that came before we did.' Their faces were hard to make out in the purple light, so Rex didn't pay much attention to them.

        "Yo, Dennis." Alan managedto say, trying his best not to freak out. Next to Dennis was a pile of bones. Rex averted his gaze from it, afraid that he might hurl or pass out. Dennis ignored them. One of the mysterious teens, a boy slightly taller than Rex— probably who was as tall as Alan, smiled at him.

        He casually waved at Rex and Alan, then gestured for them to sit next to Dennis. "Hello there, you two. Care to join us? We wish to speak with you." Rex tensed a bit. What's with this guy? He was acting like a pile of bones wasn't there, yet alone acting like all this was perfectly normal. He wondered if he had a loose screw or something.

        Alan quirked a brow at the mystery boy. "And you are?"

        He chuckled lightly. "Oh, how rude of me. My name is Stefan Queensley, and this—" He pointed at a taller dude who was comforting the little girl. "Is Martin. That little girl is called Yanna. Both of their surnames are Clarkson."

         "Siblings?" Rex asked. Stefan nodded. "And who might you two dashing young men be?"

         Rex noticed that his voice was a little cracked. That was a relief. He thought the guy has gone completely insane. Turns out, he wasn't. He was only putting on a facade to reassure his friends that everything will be alright, as long as none of them went crazy. Rex could relate. In some weird ways, they were similar, though they only just met, but he was sure.

        "My name's Rex. This is my brother Alan." He said, forcing his lips to tug and form a small smile. It came out like it was extremely nervous. "Nice to meet you, I guess.." Rex muttered.

        Alan shrugged. "Come on, Rex." he said, carefully sitting next to Dennis, who was still in a trance. He patted the spot next to him. "Sit. I guess we really do need to talk to these people." Hesitantly, Rex did what he said.

        Stefan beckoned his friends to do the same. They sat on the cool floor opposite Dennis, Alan and Rex, with Yanna sitting on Martin's lap, whispering to him about not wanting her pretty dress to be stained in blood. Rex huffed. Girls will be girls, no matter what the circumstances.

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