Truth or Dare?

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Eleven climbed the stairs to leave with Joyce, leaving our two teenagers alone in Mike's basement. Suddenly Will had an idea:

« Do you feel like playing truth or dare?

-Crack! I begin!Truth...or...Dare William Byers? Responded Mike excited


-Okay ... then you must ... LICK THE FLOOR!

-What??? You are not serious there !! Said Will laughing

-If, if going it's just a floor, and in addition my mother did the cleaning this morning, IT IS CLEAN! Mike said that with a pat on the back

-Wow you really are ... you will see if you say action I would do something worse! Will stooped down and licked the floor:
POUAHH really I will kill you !!
And he nudged her in the knee

-AOUCH... what's wrong? Isn't my floor good? No it's good I laugh go ahead to you. Mike gently raised Will

- Okay okay, truth or dare Mike?

-Hmmm considering what just happened I will choose truth!

-Okay, so ... do you really have fun with Eleven? Because you spend all your time with her? And I want the truth,just the truth!

-Serious..? Beh ... we do the same thing every day so it's boring and she doesn't know much about games so good ... Are you jealous or what? Mike snickered

- But yes of course I'm jealous, go to you.

-Lmao... Truth or Dare?


-Do you love someone? And the truth just the truth huh?

-Probably. Truth or dare Mike?


- One truth at a time my dear Mike. Will replied, taunting Mike, then he continued:
Truth or dare Mike?

-Roh you're annoying ... dare but you're nice huh you ask me no yucky stuff!

-Yes do not worry...
Will thought about it and suddenly had an idea:
Call Eleven and tell her what you told me earlier!

-What? No, but aren't you serious? No, I don't want to do it.

-Roh you seem to have more fun apparently? It's good tomorrow morning you tell her it's a joke and then it will be settled ... I remind you that you made me lick your floor!

-Huh ok but if she doesn't believe me tomorrow I'll throw it all right?

- Throw what? What you are going to tell her is the truth ..

-Go hush!
Mike called Eleven and told him what to say and hung up a few seconds later

-So she said what? Asked Will

- She said it was not her fault and I think she's pissed off ... otherwise I want to know who likes you so action or truth?


-Put you're boring ... well .. then you must ... you must .... tell me who loves you!

-Wow you got me ... I'm in love with ....


-My dog. And Will laughed

-Nan but tell the truth !! Mike was starting to lose patience

- Calm, I chose dare I don't have to tell the truth!

Mike took Will's two hands and told him that he could tell him everything, that he wouldn't judge him ... By doing this Mike felt something, like electricity ... as if what he had always needed was there, in his hands.
Will looked down and replied:

-Are you sure you want to know? Because then you won't see me the same way again, huh ...?

-Yes don't worry ... Mike was trying to reassure Will

-So first of all ... it's not "her" but it's "him"...

-Oh uh ok ... and suddenly, what's his name? And by the way my mother's son finds you cute ..

-You know it's not because I love a boy that I love all the boys-
Will paused and then realized:
Uh, I'm pretty sure your mother's son is you. Will was starting to blush and stutter

-I absolutely do not see what you're talking about, suddenly, the name of this boy?

-Well ... Mike .. short for Michael ..
Will confessed, he was much more serene after what Mike had told him

Mike laughed, but not a nasty laugh, a soft and soothing laugh, it was time for Mike to confess too:

-At the winter ball, when you danced with this girl ... it made me feel bad ... and that's why I tried to see you as little as possible ... and to spend more time with Eleven ...

-But Eleven ... do you like it anyway? Will asked then

-Bah yes otherwise I would not be with her ... but I like you too ...

-You can't love two people at the same time, it's not possible ... There is one that you love more than the other ...

-Well no I think I like you both the same way ...

Mike was lying, Will made him feel things that Eleven never got him ...
Will and Mike looked into each other's eyes without saying anything, was it embarrassment or envy?
Will began to slowly lean towards Mike and said to him:

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