Brotherly support

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« Mom! I have to tell you something! It's about Mike!

-What? What did he do? He is fine??

-Yes I think he's fine but just, I went down to the basement and there was Will and

-I know there was Will, Joyce was there too, is that why you're calling me? Asked annoyed Karen

- No, when I went down, he was kissing Will lying on the sofa!

-What? But Mike is with Eleven right?

-Yes! And he told me he loved them both ..

-Listen, I'll talk to him about this later okay? Help me tidy up the shopping.

-But mo-

-I just told you that I will settle this later »

Meanwhile, Will was still crying, on her bed undressing.
Jonathan was still trying to get into his room, he heard Will cry.
So Jonathan picked up the phone and called the Wheelers', Nancy heard the ringed phone and went to answer:

« Hello, you're at the Wheeler's, who's it?

-Nancy! It's me Jonathan.

-Ohhh hi ho-
She didn't have time to finish her sentence until Jonathan cut her off:

-What happened with Will? He came home crying and he's still crying!

-You are not aware? Didn't he tell you?

-Say what? Come on Nancy answers dispatch! Jonathan was starting to stress and lose patience

- Earlier when I went down to the basement, Will and Mike were kissing lying on our sofa! I'm pretty sure if I hadn't arrived, they would have fucked!

-What???? »
Jonathan hung up and went to tell Will that he was current and that he just wanted to talk to him, that he would not argue with him.
So Will opened the door gently and let Jonathan in:

"Hey, don't worry you know me, I'm not going to argue with you I just want to talk to you okay?
Mike do you really like him?

-Yes ... replied Will, whispering.

-Okay, it's okay, you have the right to love whoever you want, I can't blame you ...

-Tell tell Nancy that then!

-Why is Nancy putting you in this state? What did she tell you ???

-She told us that we were disgusting and too young ...

-Seriously? I'll explain some things to her tomorrow but you don't have to listen to her okay? If Mike makes you happy then continue to love him! It makes you happy doesn't it?

-Yes ... but no one except you would agree with us.

-Yes but sometimes you don't have to worry about people's looks, if every time I wanted to do something that people don't find normal, well I won't have done anything at all, and I would be regret all that I could have done. The only problem in your story is Eleven ... Mike is in a relationship and unless Eleven wants to share and I don't think that is the case, he must choose between you and her!

-But ... he said he loves us both the same ...

-Will, you know he will always have a preference, and you have to try to find out who it is ...
Come on, let's have a bite to eat that will change your mind. »

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