You're too young to know

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Mike straightened up as soon as he heard a step behind them and he started to shout:


-And you then, you have a girlfriend and you are limited going to fuck Will on the sofa in the basement and he is a boy, and you are much too young, no but frankly Mike what's going on inside your head? Said Nancy angry
Will's mom will be delighted to know what you are doing here while she brings Eleven home. And mom too, she'll be super happy to know that her son is gay!

-No-no- please don't tell my mother ... take it from you ... replied Will very anxious

-Nancy don't do that, it was a game ... it was a truth or dare, Will has nothing to do with it!

-You are telling me that it was you who had the idea of ​​kissing you as if you were about to ... Nancy did not finish her sentence but added:
Besides, you are two boys, two young boys, it's really disgusting ... »

And Nancy came back up, Will was sitting on the sofa, tears in his eyes, Mike tried to reassure him when he himself was afraid.

« I promise I will try to make her say nothing about this bitch ...

-But it's too late ... she knows it and then she will tell it to my mother, to your mother ... And if my mother knows it she will surely tell it to Hopper, and therefore Hopper will tell it to Eleven .. .

-I don't care about Eleven for now ok? I'll try to go talk to Nancy and you go home before your mom knows ...

-Mike are you really sure of yourself? Will was shaking

-Yes ... I don't want you to be in problems in addition to everything you already have to bear everything ... »

Will looked him straight in the eyes and started to cry, so Mike hugged him to try to console him but he started to cry too.
Mike told Will he had to go.
Will left a few minutes later, it was cold and the rain started to fall again, Will walked crying, maybe it was a big mistake, maybe what had just happened should never have happened happen...
A car passing at full speed had just splashed on him, how an afternoon that had started so well could end so badly ...
Meanwhile Mike was trying to haggle with his sister:

« Nancy please don't be fool!

-Me? Fool around? Fuck but are you delirious? I just saw you kissing Will when he's supposed to be your best friend! And Eleven, is she aware of all this? How long has it been going on?

-You see very well what I mean! You don't have to tell mom! Nor to Mrs. Byers and not even to Jonhatan! He took a deep breath and said: could it not just stay between us? I give you my pocket money if you want and I do your chores ...

-Wait minus, are there things you can't hide anymore, Eleven do you really love her? Yes or no?


-So if you love Eleven why were you kissing Will in our basement?

-I .. I think I love them both ...

-No Mike, you can't do that, you can't love two people at the same time, either you love Eleven and you're straight, otherwise you love Will and in this case, you're gay.

-No I love them both in the same way and the same intensity!

-So what? Are you bi? You know the bi it does not exist, being bi is just the last station before Gay-Town , so stop telling bullshit!

-So you really want to know? I like Will more than Eleven, but that won't change the fact that I love El anyway ...

-Mike! You're too young to know, you're not even 14 years old yet! If I hadn't arrived what would you have done eh? Tell me?
Mike left slamming the door of his sister's room


- IT'S GOOD SHUT UP! Mike replied on the verge of a nervous breakdown »

Mike left to lock himself in his room to cry, he began to doubt his feelings towards Eleven, perhaps he pretended to love her to be convinced that he was indeed a "normal" boy.
But he was sure of his feelings towards Will, he was ready to give all his pocket money for him ...
He knew Will was fragile and had gone through really tough times and he didn't want to cause her more worry.

Will arrived home after three quarters of an hour, he was soaked, cold and crying all the tears from his body.
Jonhatan saw him in this state and asked him immediately what had happened:

« Damn Will, why didn't you call? I would have come to get you! Everything is fine? What happened ???

- Nothing leave me! Said Will crying

-So we don't have the same notion of nothing, you're going to tell me what happened! Is it because of Mike? What did he do?

-No it's not at all his fault! »

Will ran into his room, Jonhatan tried to ring it, but did not succeed.
Will undresses to take off his wet clothes.
Mike's mother had just returned from her shopping, Nancy went down immediately to tell her what had happened:

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