Best Trip Of Our Lives

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We were going to be in glorious, hot, beautiful America for 1 month as were spending Christmas there.

I don't think any words could describe how excited I am for me and Brad to go on our first ever holiday together! The only thing is his parents are coming. I hope we don't have to share the same hotel room, that would just be too awkward.


Bradley showed up at my house and it was the day before we left.
"Hey Beautiful"

"Hi" I always still blush whenever he says that. Maybe one day he will say it and I wont turn into a juicy tomato.

"Are you nearly done packing?" He said whilst sitting down on what used to be perfect bed.

"Nearly. I still feel like I'm missing everything. You know that feeling in your stomach that really makes you nervous, anxious and your just sat there tearing yourself apart trying to know why you have that feeling?"

"Yes Ash I have been away abroad!" He laughed as I slapped him on the arm. Brad pushed me a little harder so that I fell down onto the bed.

"Bradley!" I said as he started to tickle me. I was laughing so hard I could barely breath.

"I know how much you love tickling Ash its your favourite!" He said with a cheeky grin across his face.

"No Bradley I need to pack" I said in between breaths. He finally stopped tickling me and I sat up next to him.

"I thought we could do something else?" He whispered in a tiny little mouse voice.

"Like what? There nothing to do here theres no shops around theres only one-" He stopped me and pressed his gentle lips onto mine. It felt like we were the only people in the world and everyone/everything revolved around us.

He pulled away slowly and looked me into the eyes as he bit his lip.

"So, what do you think of our new activity?"

"I love it and I love you!" I said kissing him on the cheek; " and I think this is going to be the best trip of our lives"


The day we left came and I couldn't be more extatic. Even just to go to the airport to be honest.

Brad knocked on my door and I yelled out the window that I would be down in a minute.
I recited everything on my check list just to make sure:
Toothbrush: tick
Clothes: tick
Hairbrush: tick
Jackets/hoodies: tick
Shoes: tick
Wash stuff: tick
Christmas presents: tick

I start making my way down the stairs and I pass my younger brother Paul on the way.

"Your so lucky Ashleigh!" He squealed, "can I come with you?"

I laughed and then said "I'm sorry Pauly but this trip is a bit too much for you but I will miss you I promise!"

He walked away with his head down and I said my last goodbye to my parents who were in the same room together for the first time in a good 5 years.

"Goodbye Mum, Goodbye Dad!" I said giving them both individual hugs.

"Goodbye sweetie, we will be missing you on Christmas!" Mum said with tears falling from her eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you more" I mention whilst holding them back trying to stay strong for everyone.

"Come on Ash were gonna be late!" Brad said whilst ushering me towards the car.


We got in the car and Bradley's parents, Mr and Mrs Simpson, started driving away. I looked behind me and saw Paul waving next to Mum and Dad with tears falling down his face like a waterfall.

Was this the best idea?

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