chapter one

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I woke up to my mom opening up the curtains in my bedroom. "Sage it's time to get up! It's your last day of summer!!" I groaned. I have never been a morning person, but my mom always woke me up early. Tomorrow was my first day of high school. I was kind of nervous seen that I had no one to talk to about it. Both of my parents dropped out, so they never experienced it. The only thing I was excited about was my cousins being there. We have always been there for each other since the day we were born. We even shared birthday parties. I knew that no matter what happened at high school, they would be there for me. I rolled over and looked at the clock. It read 8:00 am. Why does my mom always have to wake me up so early?! I groaned and stood up out of bed. I then heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "Sage, clean this room up it's disgusting!" My mom ordered me. She has always been such a clean freak, my dad says she wasn't like that until they moved into our current house, which I had to admit was pretty nice. Before I started cleaning, I heard my dad come up the stairs. He knocked on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. He opened the door. "Well how's my princess this morning?" He asked with a smile on his face. He always called me princess because I was an only child, and he spoiled the CRAP out of me, but I'm not complaining. "Tired." I said and he chuckled. "Well I just came to say bye before heading to work, I'll see ya later, oh, and if you go out with the boys, make sure to stay with them and don't wonder of?" He said questioning at the end. "Of course dad" I said rolling my eyes jokingly. "Okay, bye princess, love you" he said kissing my forehead and leaving my room. "Love you too!" I called out after him. Before I could clean, I put on my new ABBA record that I just got the other day. I started singing along to Mama Mia. I picked up the three pairs of clothes left on my floor and made my bed. Then I heard banging on my door. "Open up Sage we have stuff to do!" It was Chandler. "Okay lemme get a jacket first, then we can go!" I called out. I actually still had to change, but who cares they can wait. After only five minutes, I walked downstairs. "You take forever to do anything" Austin complained. "And you take forever to ask out Heather." I shot back. He had a huge crush on the second most popular girl in school. People consider me first, but I don't know why, I'm not even that pretty. After that, we walked to Aunt Brooke's cafe. We walked in to her singing along to Gold Dust Woman by Fleetwood Mac. We went and sat down at the coffee bar. After her rambling on about something to do with Uncle Dal and juvenile delinquents we ordered our drinks. I got a iced caramel macchiato. I never got anything else, because it was the perfect drink. It had just the right amount of caffeine to get me through the day, and it tasted good. We went to leave and on our way out she called after us. "Don't forget, today is Labor Day and we are going to Darry's to hang out with the family!" She said. Is it a bad thing I forgot today was Labor Day? Probably, but I don't care. "Okay mom, see ya" Chandler said, and just like that, we were off.

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