chapter three

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trigger warning- mentions of eating disorder in this chapter.

We arrived to uncle Darry's house and went straight to the backyard. I've always preferred his house over any other houses in the family because his has a pool. Regardless of the fact that I hate wearing swimsuits, I love swimming. Coco ran right over to Sydney and Lola. They always get together and gossip at every family gathering. That is why I hang out with Chandler and Austin, it's less drama. Uncle Steve was playing with his daughter Emily, and Evie was sitting with their son Jackson. Uncle Johnny and Pony were playing with their adopted daughter Luna, which was really cute I must to add. Then I saw my dad wave me over to come give him a hug. Like I've said before, I am a major daddy's girl. After a while  of swimming and messing around, we went back to the Winston's place. We went straight downstairs and set up for a game of pool. "Sooo Chandler, when are you asking that broad out?" Austin teased. Chandler rolled his eyes. "She ain't a broad, her name is Daisy man." I couldn't help but giggle at Chandler trying to be tough. We were drinking alcohol, which was another thing my parents would kill me for if they found out about. I then remembered beer makes you gain more weight, and Vodka doesn't. Just in time, Brooke came downstairs asking if we needed anymore alcohol. "You got any vodka? I hate beer." Which was kinda true. "Of course, sugar, I'll get that for ya" She said. I was glad she was intoxicated, or she would've made me drink the beer. The only ones who haven't caught on to the fact that I don't eat much are my parents. If they found out, I feel like they would be upset. Which they don't need to be, it's not like I have an eating disorder... right? After a while of playing Sydney went up to bed, and I decided we should probably stop drinking alcohol. "Now that's enough alcohol for us, let's get to bed." I said. I have always been the responsible one out of the three of us. "Let's stay down here for a while it's almost midnight we'll be in bed by 12:30" Chandler said, trying to convince me. "That's what you said last year and look what happened to us." I snapped back. Last year we were running on 3 hours of sleep and a major hangover for our first day of seventh grade, not exactly a good thing. "Okay mom." Austin complained. I couldn't help but laugh at that. Our conversation was soon interrupted by loud crying and screaming coming from the cellar door that leads to the basement from the outside. "I HATE HIM. I HATE DAD. WHY DOES HE ALWAYS HAVE TO DO THINGS LIKE THAT?!" The girl screamed. The three of us looked at each other and ran outside. It was raining. We ran out and found Daisy, a girl who didn't really look like her sister, and a guy who looked like her older brother. I had to admit, he was pretty hot. "Daisy?" Chandler asked and you could tell she was crying, even tough it was raining. "Who are you?" the guy sneered. I think he could tell Chandler was drunk because he wouldn't let Daisy leave his side. I , however, hide being drunk very well. When you have strict parents, you kind of have to learn to. We offered to let them come in, and they accepted. Austin was practically drooling over the girl with red hair. "So what's ya'll's names?" I asked the red head and the cute guy. "I'm Jax, Daisy's brother." The guy said. "I'm Sienna." The red head said shivering. Soon enough, Jax asked to use the bathroom. I got up to show him wear it was and he looked me up and down with a smirk. I guess this not eating thing was working for me after all. Austin followed us, but he ended up throwing up in the toilet and passing out from being drunk. After that Jax went to the bathroom. When he came out he just stared at me. 'He's probably staring at you thinking about how fat you are' I thought to myself. I continued to think stuff like that until he spoke up. "Hey you're pretty cute, you should give me your number." He said with a smirk. "Eh, I'll think about it." I said also smirking. Two could play at that game. My face was still red though. We walked back to the rest of the group. Chandler gave us a look when he saw Austin wasn't anywhere. I was going to speak up, but Jax did for me. "He threw up in the toilet and passed out. By the way, how did ya get all of this alcohol?" He questioned. "My mom." Chandler stated. "Aren't ya'll triplets?" Daisy asked. "His mom and my dad are twins, Austin and Chandler are obviously twins and I'm an only child." I said proudly. I LOVED being an only child, I had no pesky annoying little sibling to deal with, and no older sibling to try and boss me around. The only somewhat bad thing about being an only child is you cannot go behind your parents' back without getting caught. But I don't break the rules that much anyway. "Anyways, everyone needs some sleep. You guys wanna take the guest rooms?" Chandler asked and everybody nodded. "We start high school tomorrow so we'll have to wake up with ya." Jax said. "Tulsa High School?" I asked and he nodded. Even though we weren't in the same grade, I was glad he was going to my school. I took him upstairs and showed him the guest room that I usually slept in. Usually I wouldn't sleep in the same bed as a boy, let alone one I just met, but I was too drunk and tired to care. I laid down on one side of the bed and Jax took the other. Not too soon after I felt an arm wrap around me. I felt my cheeks heat up. "Night" I heard him mumble. "Goodnight." and with that, I fell asleep in his arms. 

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