chapter two

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Trigger warning- some mentions of eating disorder in this chapter. Please don't be offended if I worded something wrong. I do not have experience on the topic.

We spent the rest of the afternoon causing trouble, but uncle Dal taught us how not to get caught. We were waking to uncle Darry's when Chandler was searching around in his pockets. "Whatcha lookin for Winston #1?" I asked him. I always called him Winston #1 because he was born four minutes before Austin, I called Austin Winston #2. "My cancer sticks. Must've smoked em all. Wanna go to the DX and get some?" He asked. Austin and I both agreed. When we got to the DX there was a girl who I could tell immediately caught Chandler's eye. I had to admit, she was a very beautiful girl. She smiled at Chandler and I could tell he had fallen head over heels for her. He believes in all that sappy love at first site stuff, I don't. My parents say that love at first site is a real thing, but I don't believe them. I mean who literally falls in love just from looking at someone, cmon it's ridiculous. After Chandler had been staring at her for too long, Austin smacked his head. "Are we gonna get smokes or nah Chan?!" he complained. Chandler just rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah Texas let's buy em" he scoffed. I giggled thinking about how Chandler actually believed all of that sappy stupid love stuff. It's not that I didn't like romance, I mean I LOVE romance novels and movies, but love at first site? I still believe that is only something you see in movies. After that, the girl stopped him and told him her name. It was Daisy, she's literally named after a flower. How basic is that? Eh I can't really talk I guess, my parents named me after a plant too. Then Chandler and Daisy exchanged numbers, and he had the balls to ask her on a date. That's more than I could say about Austin. That guy was a wuss. Then, he went back to daydreaming. I couldn't help but chuckle and Austin said some smart remark. "Ya know kid just for picking up a chick imma give y'all the packs for free." Johnson, the guy at the counter, said. "Really?!" All three of us asked in unison. "Eh why not don't be expecting this all the time triplets ya dig" we all agreed. I wasn't a huge smoker, just only one a day at most. My parents would actually murder me if they found me smoking, so I didn't do it too much. We then walked to the Winston household. When we walked in, it looked like Dally was harassing Brooke, which was funny because they were literally in their thirties and acting like 16 year olds. Our parents had us at a very young age. They were still teenagers when they had us, so they were still young to have 14 year olds I had to admit. When Dally saw that I was with them he came and picked me up and spun me around. He always treated me like I was his second daughter, next to Sydney- his actual daughter- of course. "How's my oldest daughter doing?" He asked, and of course Lola coughed. "Lola you are my half sister." he sassed. "You took care of me like I was your child" she sassed back. "Ya know, I liked you better when you were 4" he joked and we all laughed. "Anyway, ya'll have to get ready you're gonna see the only family ya got left" Dally said excitedly. I went to the bathroom and hesitantly changed into my swimsuit. I have always had confidence issues in my body. I think it was because I always tried so hard to stay popular, that I wanted to be skinny all the time. No matter how my body looked, it just wasn't skinny enough. I looked in the mirror and couldn't help but gag at myself. Then Chandler came up to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Sage, why are you gagging?" I looked down. "Can't you see Chandler? I'm ugly." I'm pretty sure he is the only one who knows I only eat one meal a day. I can't help it, it's become a habit. Not a good one, I know. "No Sage. You are gorgeous. Don't let what society says is a perfect body get to you. Your body is perfect, and what really matters is how you act. So please, stop starving yourself.". By now I had let a few tears slip. "For me, for Austin, for the gang?" I wiped my tears away. "Okay. I'll try." That was mostly true, I would try. But it would be hard. I didn't know if I would be able to. " Good come here." He said pulling me into a hug. We went downstairs and he gave me a cigarette. I was okay with smoking around Brooke and Dally, they promised not to tell my parents. Then Brooke came in yelling. "CHANDLER KAI WINSTON YOU'RE SMOKING AND NOT SHARING?! WHAT IS THIS? DEMOCRACY? NO. MY HOUSE MY RULES. GIMME ONE NOW!" she joked. He gave her one and then Dally came downstairs. He said something smart and called Brooke 'Curtis'. Which was hilarious because they had been married for a long ass time. "We've been married for 14 years now, Dal, and you still call me Curtis." she said rolling her eyes and walking away. After a few more minutes, Austin came down and we were finally on our way to Darry's house.

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