Chapter 18

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yes, everyone was sad, depressed and we felt like all hope was lost, we felt like we couldn't go on without the people who lit up our lives.

all of us fell into a really terrible depression. we quit JYP and didn't leave our house or apartments for years, always ordering take out. we just couldn't keep up a happy front when we had to face the fact that our world fell apart a long time ago

some of us were in denial for a while. but soon had to accept the fact the Y/n and Mia aren't coming back no matter how much we beg or prayed

we tore apart, we weren't in touch for years. then one day I got a call, it was 3 years after Y/n's death. and it was from Danny. I answered it hesitantly

"Hello..?" I asked with a deep and sad voice. "Is this Hyunjin?" I hummed "We found Y/n's children," he said and I sat up quickly "You what?" I asked and he could tell the change in my voice 

"It took 3 years, but we finally found 5 other children that matched her DNA" I brought a hand up to my mouth as tears fell "She'd be so happy," I said lowly and I heard him hum in agreeance "you have the right to take them in, otherwise, we'll need your permission to put them in foster care," he said and my eyes widen as I reply instantly 

"No! I'll take care of them!" He seemed shocked at my reply

And that's when I knew what I had to do. I was going to do something Y/n always wanted to do but we never had the money.

and that brings us to today.

someone knocks on my big office door on the 3rd floor. "Come in," I say and look up from my paperwork to meet the eyes of my beautiful daughter 

"Come here Sun!" I said opening my arms for the child. she smiled and ran to me, I picked her up and sat her on my lap "Dad! today's my birthday!" She exclaimed happily "I knew that birthday girl! you're getting so big! I can't believe you're 9 already!" I said with a smile and she giggled

"go get your siblings, we're going out!" I said and she gasped happily before running off

I knew what that meant, in 3 weeks it'll be Mia's death anniversary and then 3 weeks after that, it'll be Y/n's...

I decided to go on a walk to clear my mind and she gets her siblings

I walk next door to the building I own and walk around the ground being met by the children 

"It's Mr. Hwang!!" Abby yelled "Abby I told you to call me Hyunjin" she shrugged before her twin-spoke up "You know how she can be," Annie said with attitude laced in her voice and we laughed

then I noticed Jeffery on Abby's hip and I walk over grabbing the 3 years old. We said our goodbyes and I continued my walk with Jeffery. Abby and Annie had an abusive father, their mother killed herself and then their father did the same

Jeffery's mother was a prostitute, she didn't want him

then I caught sight of some other kids hanging around. Hailey, Jack, Harry, and Lia. they're great friends cause all their parents died in the army.

then, Ashely and Baily, they're siblings and their father walked out when their mother was told she had cancer, she died a year later.

then little Timmy, his parents tried to kill the poor 2-year-old and were put in prison.

Then, Hope and Joy, their parents were drug dealers for a gang, Hopes father was the leader so once Joy's father got caught the whole gang got caught

then, Mark. his parents were so poor so they tried to rob a store to support him and his sister Melody, but they got caught and sent to jail 

then, Taylor, his mother was a teenager who drank and did drugs, she got pregnant, but she didn't want a child since she was only 16

I set Jeffery back down and he ran back to Abby and Annie, they waved goodbye as I left, I waved back. I wish I could've said hi to the others, but there wasn't enough time, I had to get back to Gun, Sun, and our 5 other children

I stood in front of the building and looked at the sign that I was so proud of 

do you see what you created Y/n?

"The Hwang Family"

and in the small print of the sign, it read "An Orphanage For The Abandoned" 

I smile contently as I walked back to my house, only to be tackled by me and Y/n's children. Katrina, Liza, Justin, May, Jackson, Sun, and Gun standing in the back watching everything happen. 

we all got ready and we left as a family, we went into a restaurant and took our seats. that night I didn't have enough paperwork to care about it. tonight was our night, we were a family

we had an empty seat beside me, knowing that if we left it Y/n would be here with us and we'd be a true family. we were a family. but with Y/n, we were a Family

it hurt my heart knowing the only ones at this table who remembered Y/n were me and Gun. these children didn't even have the luck of meeting their mother. granted most of them were teenagers, except Sun. Gun was the middle child, there were 3 kids younger then he was and I'm convinced he loved taking care of them

Kat got her mothers strength as the oldest, Justin was the second oldest. he had his mothers smile. Gun has his mothers loving personality, Gun would stay up late at night helping me with the orphanage. May had her mother's personality. Liza had her mother's beautiful brown eyes. Jackson had his mother's sense of humor and Sun. God Sun, She was the spitting image of her mother

and with every one of us together it was like she was here. everyone had a little piece of their beautiful and extraordinary mother.

yes, we still miss her, we will always miss her and Mia, Jeongin never got over her. he never married. he never had another family, we all finally got back in touch a couple of years ago. Jeongin was never the same after Mia's death. but he stayed dedicated to the only thing that tied him to his, late girlfriend. their child, the one we didn't know that she was a little over 6 months pregnant with. her name is Mia, Jeongin wanted to name her after her mother. we only found out about her after Y/n's death

and he hasn't stopped spoiling the child since. 

Life will never be the same without them

I guess this was a bit of a Happily Ever After 


so this book is finished, what did you think? sorry, it had to be so sad, when I was writing the last 3 Chapters I got the idea to kill Mia, I doubted if I could make it sad enough, so I tested the waters and liked it so I made it more depressing XD

And did anyone notice the Mia is named after one of Stray Kids older songs called M.I.A. that stands for Missing In Action. 

it's pronounced M-EE-UH

that's the first thing that came to mind when trying to pronounce it XD

Love y'all and thanks for the support!!!! <3<3<3<3

Depression Is Only One Word//Hyunjin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now