Chapter 03

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Everything was hazy, his eyelids were heavy, making Levi barely see anything at the moment, though he can pick up sounds in the room.

Is this Deja Vu? He asked himself but this time, the sounds were not Hange's piercing banshee voice, or Erwin's spitting bullshit voice. The sound... it was a song. Someone is singing in his room.

Blinking several times, blue-stormy eyes scanned the room. He was able to see the white ceiling and the corners of the room as his vision gradually cleared out. Slowing turning his head on the right, he saw a familiar demon spawn by the name of Eren fucking Yeager. 

Eren had his leg crossed on the chair, with a ball of rainbow yarn on his lap and his hands had those giant chopsticks that were used to make an ugly Christmas sweater. Levi had no idea what's the name of it and he doesn't fucking care about it.

Then Caribbean eyes looked up at him. "Well, good morning sleeping, Tyrant."

Levi gritted his teeth and clenched his fist in a tight ball. He wanted to punch this boy. But he can't move, his body is still sleeping and he can't feel his feet.

"The nurses gave you something that helped you calm your bastard nerves and Hange also injected something in you, she said it will help me manage you," Eren gave him a cheeky smile. Feeling superior when the raven lay motionless in the bed. "It will gradually wear off, so don't worry."

"Fucking Hange," Levi cursed. This is not the first time Hange injected something on him. "What the fuck are you still doing here?" He hissed.

"Erwin gave me a job," Eren started and Levi knew this isn't good. "I have to take care of your demon ass for the week."

"I don't need you to fucking babysit me."

"And Hange also gave me a job, double pay!" Eren winked at him. 

"No," Levi's face fell. Why did his friends do this to him?

"I have to teach you how to talk to people," Eren sang.

"I know how to fucking talk, brat." Levi huffed, he turned his head away from the brunette and saw a pitcher of water. The simple sight of the clear water made him realized that his throat it currently a dessert right now. But he can't move.

"Hey," he called out.


"Get me some water will you. I'm parched," Levi licked his lips.

"Alright, what's the magic word?" Eren hummed.

"What fuck?" Levi turned to the brunette who is still busy weaving yarn.

"The magic word," Eren glared at him.

"Magic what?"

"Seriously?!" Eren stopped his knitting.

"The fuck you wanted?! I just want some fucking water you asshole!"

"Oh my god," The brunette groaned.

"Eren you piece of shit, when I can move my limbs I'll pour that pitcher right in your head!" Levi snapped.

Eren glared at him, his chest raised as he deeply inhaled. Letting go of his knitting, Eren stood from his spot and went to the table corner and took the pitcher.

"Fucking finally you slow-"

It happened so fast that Levi only registered how cold it was with the air-conditioned on. How the water started to soak on his shirt, his pillow, and the mattress below him. 

Eren put down the empty pitcher and went back to his seat. Returning his knitting material in his lap and continued working with his brows furrowed in annoyance. He knew that accepting the job from Levi's friends will be the death of him. This is not healthy for his temper, he should have declined and find another job. Preferably a job that had nothing to do with Levi Ackerman. Eren had a strong urge to hit the raven with the pitcher-it was tempting! 

No. Eren reminded himself. Inhale, exhale. Eren stopped his knitting and started his little ritual until his mind stopped making murderous ideas.

After a few seconds, Eren is good to go. Smiling, he admired the beautiful rainbow colors of the yarn and continued to work. Then he heard the sheets rustled. Looking up, Eren was facing Levi's soaked back. 

Guilt, in a form of pins started stabbing on his heart. Eren felt bad, really bad. He just wanted Levi to say please, he had no idea why it was so hard for the raven to say so.

Shaking his head, Eren continued with his knitting. Thinking that Levi deserved every drop of water on that pitcher. But as Eren kept thinking about it, his heart sunk. Eren is not that heartless, not to mention, it was his fault that Levi is in a hospital right now.

Putting his yarn away, Eren stood from his seat and quickly left the room.

Levi stared at the white empty walls, not minding when the brunette left him. Levi doesn't care, he doesn't fucking need anyone's help since he was twelve. He is better off alone. 

After a few minutes, Levi can feel chills running on his skin. He needed to change his clothes and get out of the soaked bed before he caught a cold. He was trying to move his fingers and toes when Eren came back. Levi turned away, he's not in the mood to bicker with a brat. Then he heard the brunette shuffled in the room, then he felt something poked on his cheek.

Turning, he saw a straw that was placed on a glass of water. Eren fixed the straw so it will be near his lips.

"Sorry," the brunette whispered. "For everything." 

Levi studied him with a critical eye then his eyes landed on the offered water. Just in case Eren put some poison in it. He wasn't able to study the liquid longer when his own throat protested, reminding Levi that he is still thirsty. Raising a little, the raven bit the straw to steady it before taking a sip. It was heaven. 

Eren eyed as the raven drink. Somehow he felt like he won the war against his devil of a boss when Levi accepting his offered water. It made Eren thinking that maybe the raven genuinely doesn't know the magic words. "If you didn't get the memo, the magic word is 'please'."

Levi glared at him, before setting back on his soaked bed. Eren cringed.

"I got you another shirt and Hange told me that you'll be able to move after thirty minutes, so only..." Eren checked his watch. "Five minutes left!" 

Grabbing the towel that he borrowed from the hospital staff, Eren quickly dried his boss's hair and dapped on his face. "I have also lowered down the air-conditioned, I didn't notice that it was cold until I came back, you know?"

Checking his watch again, Eren announced. "Three minutes!" he removed the towel and almost laughed at the sight of his boss. Levi's once tamed hair is all over the place like a bed hair and his well-ironed shirt was soaked and full of wrinkles. It was a memorable sight. Except for the death glares that Levi shot at him.

Eren stood and gathered all his things. "Two minutes! I'll settle everything in the hospital while you change, ok? I'll wait for you in the parking lot. I'll drive you home," Once Eren gathered all his yarn, he gave Levi a cheeky smile before closing the door behind him.

Two minutes passed, Levi was out of the soaked bed and clothes. Sighing with delight when he finally put on some fresh, dry ones. Moving to the door, Levi's hand paused at the doorknob. Eren will be driving home and the raven knew that this is just the beginning. 

Why do his friends do this to him?

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