The Break-ups

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It's a quiet Sunday morning, nothing special. I woke up from hearing my phone ring so I picked it up. As soon as I found out the caller was Daniel, I groaned.

"Hey, Em." he happily said.

"Hey, Danny. What's up?" I replied with my lazy-toned voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I woke you up, didn't I?" he blabbered.

I rolled my eyes and thought, "Isn't it obvious?"

"Anyways, I planned a date for us tonight, 7pm, at a fancy restaurant. It's gonna be great!" he said.

"It better be." I murmured. He kept me up last night by pushing me to help him clean up the mess the Terrible 3 have made.

"See you then. I hope it'll be fun." I replied.

I immediately dropped the call as I drifted back to sleep. I guess my quiet Sunday morning isn't so quiet after all. When I woke up again, it was already 10:00 AM. I remembered that it was Jax's birthday tommorow so I had to go look for a gift I could give him, Andi asked me to play video games with her at 2:00 PM, and Dad asked me along with Jax and Andi to be in his Math presentation at 5:00 PM.

After eating breakfast, taking a shower, and all that, I realized it was already 12:00PM. I headed to the mall to look for two matching black leather jackets: one for me, one for him. It's not much of a boyfriend-girlfriend thing, it's more of a best friend-best friend thing. I just don't want Daniel to find out, he'd be furious with the idea. He's not very open with my ideas. Anyways, I headed out to so much stores until I ended up with a perfect black leather jacket that fits both of us.

After shopping, I hurried to Andi's and we played Zombie Apocalypse 4, the latest one available. She looked at the shopping bag and pointed at it.

"What's that?" she asked.

I replied, "My gift for Jax, it's his-"

"birthday tommorow? Yep, I knew that." she said. I find it quite impressing that she remembered his birthday.

"How'd you remember?" I asked her.

"I f-found it in y-your calendar." she stammered, "Fine, you hang out with Jax all the time which made me remember. By all the time, I meant a lot of time. You even got to fix your teletransporting-to-the-pool problem because of him."

I looked at her suspiciously and moved on to playing the game. It wasn't long until I ran out of ammo and a zombie killed me.

"Dang it!" I blurted out.

"Emma Alonso, swearing? Never thought I'd see the day." she nagged. I glared at her.

Moments later, my phone buzzed. I glanced at it and saw a text from Dad reminding me to be half an hour early. I reminded her about it.

"Sure, j-just let me finish this." she replied.

My phone rang once so I glanced at it. The caller was Daniel so I groaned.

He greeted, "Hey Em."

"Look Daniel, my dad wants me to go to his Math thingamajig so I can't go with you tonight." I babbled.

"It's fine. I can't argue with your dad anyways." he replied, "So I'll go with you so you won't feel lonely."

"Dad also invited Jax and Andi so I'm not necessarily lonely." I said.

After what I said, he immediately bawled. To be honest, I don't want him to go with me. Jax will be there and I hate having two of them in the same room. They'll probably never be friends, unlike Andi. Jax and Andi don't hate each other that much anymore since I started hanging out with Jax more often.

He asked, "You know what would be great?"

"Bring it." I dared.

He gibed, "I can't take it everyday knowing you have feelings for someone else while you're with me. I also can't take it when you use magic; i-it bugs me, to be honest. I mean, like, can't you witches and wizards be fair with humans? The Council is probably right, we shouldn't be. If you at least stop using magic and tell me the truth about Jax, I won't continue what I'm about to do."

"You know what? I'd rather be with a someone who at least cares about me and accepts me for who I am than a good-guy who doesn't care much about me and doesn't accept me for who I am. You kept me up last night watching out for the T3 while you chill out watching basketball and wake me up in the morning telling me we have a date tonight. You could've just called this afternoon. Forget your threat, Daniel, it's over." I admitted as I dropped the call.

Andi asked me what happened and I answered her question with an obvious answer. My phone buzzed again and I thought it was Daniel but it wasn't, it was Jax. He texted me to teleport us to school right now because my dad is looking for me and Andi.

We teleported to school but I guess we were a little bit more specific than expected; I teleported to the room itself. Good thing Dad turned around before we poofed in. Hours passed while me, Jax, and Andi just use our phones at the back while Dad and the other students do their Math stuff in front.

After the talk, we went our separate ways. Andi went ahead of us and Jax offered to walk me home, which I accepted. We were talking about stuff until we came to the "topic about me and Daniel, which I stayed silent about. Moments later, I bumped into Daniel who pulled me aside from Jax.

He begged, "Just give me a second chance, Em. I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I just got so pissed."

I muttered, "I don't think I can."

He said, "Oh, is it because you and Jax are dating now?"

I replied, "Not yet. He's just giving me a walk home, what's wrong with that?"

As the Daniel he always is, he walked away without giving me an answer. I'm quite used to it. Jax nudged me with his shoulder.

He asked, "Not yet?". I teased him by just smiling and not replying. As soon as he got me home, I hugged him.

"See you tommorow. Thanks for the walk home." I told him.

"Anytime." he replied. He gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving.

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