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Emma, the sweet and bubbly girl, and Daniel, the school's athletic jock, are the power couple at Iridium High. It's her second year at Iridium and she has been with him eversince she enrolled here. There's just one problem, she's a witch and he's a human. Even if the Witches' Council doesn't approve of them being together, she still strives to be with him. Daniel, in the other hand, doesn't seem to like her the same way anymore.

Then there's this new boy; well, he's not that new anymore. He's none other than bad boy Jax Novoa. Throughout the year, he develops feelings for her but he accepted the fact that she is with Daniel. They dated for quite a while until they broke up since Emma thinks they're too different for each other and goes back to Daniel. After their break-up, they continue to be best friends.

Despite their differences, Jax and Emma are shown to have feelings for each other. Daniel doesn't approve of it but Andi thinks its okay. Jax has perks that Daniel doesn't; like Jax spends more time with Emma while Daniel spends less because of sports events and that Mr. Alonso, her dad, likes Jax and dislikes Daniel. He even convinced her daughter to be with Jax one time.

Little does she notice, Emma spends more time with Jax than with Daniel. Only her best friend, Andi, realized it when she starts to notice that Emma started being a little rebellious over time, much to Jax's influence.

Get ready for a rollercoaster full of drama because here comes the Love Triangle.

Thank you for taking your time to read the introduction. If you like it, please vote and possibly share it with others. It would mean the world to me.

I will update the book once I get at least 10 votes, it's not that much to ask for, right? I just want to know if there will be people supporting the book because if there aren't, I might delete it.
Cover Copyright © 2SecretReaders 2014-2015

The moral right of the author has been asserted. All rights reserved. This story is published subject to the condition that it shall not be reproduced or retransmitted in whole or in part, in any manner, without written consent of the copyright holder.

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