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𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐄 gasps as she sits up holding her chest. She looks around her empty bedroom and sighs.

"Just a bad dream Jane... calm your tits."

Laying back down she stares at the ceiling. Thousands of thoughts race through her head as she thinks about her parents. It was the fourth anniversary of their death, which explained the nightmares she continued to have for a week straight.

Her brain forms a daydream as she clearly sees the car crash that caused them to lose their lives.


"Leah honey would you please put on your seatbelt. If you don't than no ice cream after dinner."

Leah clicks her seatbelt but not before giving an eye roll and a sigh. Her mom smirks and looks in the rear view mirror at the young teen. Her dad rolls his own eyes playfully before focusing back on the road.

"Mom I'm almost an adult now. I shouldn't be treated like a child."

Her dad glances in the rear view mirror and locks eyes with Leah, "Well adults wear their seatbelts too Leah. It will save your life one day."

Just as those words leave his mouth a loud horn beeps gaining his attention. He gasps and swerves making the car slide across the icy road. The car slides, hits a bumper, and then flips over three times as it goes down a hill.

Leah screams out in pain as she feels her head slam against the window. The car finally stops upside down at the bottom of the hill. Leah opens her eyes to see her parents both wide eyed and not breathing as half their body is embedded in the front windshield. Leah cries out in shock.

~Flashback over~

Jane thinks about how far she had come since then.
She had remained in the totaled car until some people from the road hurried down and helped her out. From there she was taken to the hospital and then put in foster care. No families wanted an older teen so she stayed there for two years then finally left and got a job at a nearby pub.

She had changed her name once she left the foster care. Not only because it brought back memories that she wanted to forget, but because that wasn't who she was. Jane had gone through some of her parents stuff when they died and she found adoption papers. As heartbroken as she was, she was more angry than anything.

Jane sighs angrily then runs her hands down her face. Shaking her head from anymore thoughts, she gets up to start her day. She goes to the bathroom and brushes her teeth while checking herself out in the mirror.

Her light skinned brown complexion went well with her green eyes that sometimes looked hazel. Her hair was very dark black and fell all the way down her back. She was slightly taller than the average female and she was thin but with an average bust and big butt.

Jane jumps out of her mind as she hears yelling behind the wall of her bathroom. It was her neighbors again. She had met the older man, Dean, at the pub she worked at.

She couldn't stand the bloke. He was rude, loud, and just an all around asshole. The lady, Michelle, was very nice, but very much so a pushover. She couldn't say no to the bloke. And the son, Eggsy, well he was like his name.

Uncommon... one of a kind.

Jane hadn't really had more than a five word conversation with Eggsy in the two years that she lived in her apartment. Not that there was anything wrong with Eggsy, just she was busy and he was always running from Dean, Dean's son, Rottweiler, or Rottweiler's friends/shadows.

𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑛 || 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐡, 𝐌𝐚𝐧 {Eggsy Unwin Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now