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JANE stares at the medal in Eggsy's hand as she thinks about the exact same on she had in her back pocket. She was kind of freaked out at the moment which led her to sitting in shock without uttering a word.

The three had been at the pub so Harry could explain to them who he was and why he was there. Eggsy continues to glance over at Jane every now and then. He had never known her to be so quiet and he was very fearful that this was all too much for her.

"So before you was a tailor, were you in the army? Like an officer?"

"Not quite."

"So where was you posted, Iraq or something?"

Harry shakes his head, "Sorry, Eggsy, classified."

Eggsy shrugs, "But my dad saved your life, yeah?"

"This is all very classified information that I'm about to tell you. Are you sure you trust this young lady? No offense to you..."

Eggsy nods, "Her name is Jane and she's fine. I trust her."

Harry nods before continuing, "The day your father died, I missed something. And if it weren't for his courage, my mistake would have cost the lives of every man present. So I owe him. Your father was a brave man. A good man."

Eggsy smiles just before it's ripped off his face with Harry's next words.

"And having read your files, I think he'd be bitterly disappointed in the choices you've made."

Jane frowns, "Well that was quite rude."

"You can't talk to me like that."

Harry ignores the two and opens the file folder reading off the paper in-front of him, "Huge IQ, great performance at primary school, and it all went tits up-"


Harry ignores Jane's confused reply, "Drugs, petty crime, never had a job."

"Oh, you think there's a lot of jobs going around here, do you?"

"Doesn't explain why you gave up your hobbies. First prize, regional Under-10s gymnastics two years in a row. Your coach had you pegged as Olympic team material."

Jane sits up slightly as she listens to all this. Eggsy was very talented and very skillful. She knew he had a lot of potential to do many amazing things. He just let his mind stay in the stuck zone and he didn't believe in himself enough.

"Yeah, well, when you grow up around someone like my stepdad, you pick up new hobbies pretty quick."

Harry closes the folder and downs some of his drink, "Of course. Always someone else's fault. Who's to blame for you quitting the Marines? You were halfway through training, doing brilliantly, but you gave up."

Eggsy fumes but calms slowly as Jane takes his hand and intertwined their fingers, "Because my mum went mental. Banging on about losing me as well as my dad. Didn't want me being cannon fodder for snobs like you! Judging people like me from your ivory towers with no thought about why we do what we do. We ain't got much choice. You get me? And if we was born with the same silver spoon up our arses, we'd do just as well as you. If not better."

Harry nods then pulls out another file. He glances at Jane before looking back down. Eggsy can't help but look at the two and notice that their eyes were both a perfect green. No one else in this city had eyes that bright.

"Leah Smith..."

Jane's eyes widen, "Excuse me?"

"... parents Erin and Mark Smith. You were also very skilled in gymnastics. One of the best in the city for years. Very skilled in Taekwondo and Jiu Jitsu. Never went to college but instead got a job in this lovely facility and own your own apartment nearby."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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