Chapter 1 - The Rescue?

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

Eri clung to me tightly while she was sleeping.
I brushed her hair softly so she could relax.

Her small hands hold my ripped t-shirt tightly, I could hear small whimpers from her.

Both her arms and legs were wrapped in dirty bandages. I could still hear the echos of her screams and my desperate calls for her.

I couldn't protect Eri, again..!

My (h/l) (h/c) hair was messy and dirty, beneath my (e/c) eyes were big dark eye bags and at all I looked more like a ghost then a human being. My skin was very pale and covered with scars. And my body was to skinny for my taste.

But Eri didn't look like me at all.

Her hair was silver white and she had a little horn on the left side of her forhead. The ruby red eyes sparkled like she has hope or something unlike my dead (e/c) eyes.

Suddenly the door was pushed open. It hit the wall very loudly and I couldn't believe that the door wasn't broken or anything. Overhaul and two of his man stormed into the room.

I gave them a cold glare, but I got scared after all because i didn't knew what they were going to do with us.

My body tensed up fastly like it wanted to try to defend itself.

I hugged Eri tighter so that these men didn't have an opportunity to take her away from me again.

"Both of you will come with me, now!", ordered Overhaul with his sharp voice. So I got with Eri in my arms up, but all these noises made Eri wake up.

We went through the long hallways quickly and nobody dared to whisper something. The atmosphere was like we would die if we did it.

Sometimes the ceiling and the walls shaked violently. It seems like they wanted to bury us alive but for gods sake they didn't.

Someone has entered the base, maybe our saviors...

No, no one will save our asses.

Who would save monsters anyway..?

"Onee-san, what is happening here?", whispered Eri into my ear, but I only shrugged my shoulders because I didn't know it either.

"But I'm sure that people entered the building..", I showed her and she nodded slowly.

Just, what was that?

Something isn't right here.. just what?!

Suddenly I heard someone behind me. I stopped and turned around.

There was a blond haired boy who wore a hero costume which had a 1.000.000 on it.

So he is a hero..., wait, that's the person Eri was talking about, after she had escaped this place and got captured again!


A little more time and she would be a free girl, but Overhaul noticed it and ran after her immediately. I couldn't hold him off and I couldn't distracted him any longer...

The following lecture hurt badly. Fortunately Eri didn't got punished, I could prevented it. After all I could do something useful and successful.

The cuts from the knife on my body, the pulling of my hair, the cutting of small bits of my skin, the stinging of the needles through my body, all these terrible things didn't have to feel Eri.

Luckily she didn't have to watch it either. But her tears that were streaming down her face, after they had thrown me into our room, that was the greatest punishment I had.

She cried and blamed herself, I couldn't stand it. I tried to calm her so I petted her head softly and gave her a small smile to cheer her up.


"Onee-san, I don't want to see him die.", sobbed Eri quietly, I petted her back so that she would calm down.

I could understand her, I didn't want it either.

Overhaul took my arm and started to pull me towards him hardly and the other two guys fought against the hero.

Eri didn't stop crying. She cried into my shoulder quietly.

But suddenly the young hero was in front of us and hit Overhaul with his fist in his face. Then he immediately kicked in my direction.

Out of reflex I crouched so that we didn't get hit and the other man from Overhaul took the kick. He learned to fly and was sent into the next wall.

The boy took my arm rapidly and pulled me to him.

But I panicked from his suddenly action. In the next moment I lied on the floor and pulled my knees up to me.

Please, don't hurt me!

Why am I so weak?

Dang it, I should pull myself together!

You are such a crybaby!

"Why... why did you come back? You shouldn't have done this!", asked Eri while she petted my back, so that I would calm down.

She knew what would happen to me if i didn't calm down.

"You will die!", I showed nervously, but he just smiled.

"You will die!", repeated Eri my words.

But then he saw to Overhaul angrily and screamed: " I will never let you get hurt!"

For just a second in my heart a warm feeling glow up, could it be hope?

"Eri, (y/n), come back to me. You know that I will kill him. Because of you everybody dies, it's just your fate."

But before we could do anything, the boy stopped us.

"Don't follow his commands!"

That made Overhaul angry and he started to attack us with his quirk. I took Eri as fast as I could and tried to defend her with my body.
I hold her very tightly and I could feel that she did the same.

But then I could feel, that we got picked up.
The hero dodged the attack.

What is his quirk..?

"You attack your own daughters?!"

"Oh, these two are not my kids!", said Overhaul and got serious.

The hero got it harder to dodge.

"I could heal them anytime, so what will you do, if one of them gets hurt? In this moment I'm the only one who could heal their wounds!"

Who said that?

The boy couldn't escape with me and Eri, so he had no choice then fighting.

All the time he protected us and made sure that we weren't harmed or anything.

He also attacked the enemy.

Is he really the person who will save us?

"Onee-san...", said Eri, her eyes sparkled the pure hope.

She really seems to believe him, so I did it too.

I saw to my right because something felt strange.

One of the men from earlier had a gun in his hand and he pointed it at Eri.

My eyes widened in terror and in the next second I heard a bang. I threw myself in front of her so she was protected by me.

I closed my eyes and waited for the upcoming pain.

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