Chapter 13 - ... of Evil

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

The next moment I was woken up.

"(Y/n)-chan, we have to go back now." said Midoriya.

Confused I looked out of the window, the sun was already about to set.

Sighing I rose and hugged Eri once more as a farewell.

"I'll be back tomorrow, I promise!" I pointed and smiled faintly at her.

We left the hospital with our heads held high, and when we were outside, I leaned down briefly at Midoriya.

"Everything okay, (y/n)-chan?"

I just nodded and pulled myself together one last time.

I have to hold out!

"I really hope Eri can come to the school festival!" Midoriya told me joyfully, which made me smile.

"I'd like to see her smile again, her real smile." I showed and dreamed in the past.

Sure, she had smiled at me joyfully before, but her real smile had still not returned.

I missed it very much, but at the same time I felt guilty.

I'm still the reason why...

When I arrived at the dorm, I went looking for Jiro.

The band rehearsal or lessons on instruments seemed to be over.

Finally, I found her in her room.

"Ah, there you are. Read this, please." said Jiro and handed me several slips of paper.

They were lyrics or rather rough drafts.

So I helped her by singing the lyrics of the song so she could decide rather it was good or not.

Sometimes I wrote down even better words or more appropriate ones.

But unfortunately we were not finished for today.

"Thank you, you've been a really big help." she thanked me.

At dinner Momo gave me a small box.

"Here you go, (y/n)-chan."

It was packed in (f/c) paper.

Carefully I opened it and my jaw greeted the floor.

Inside was a fancy smartphone with an (f/c) mobile phone case where many note symbols were visible.

"I can never accept this!" I showed and shook my hands.

"Since you don't own one, I thought it would be easier for you to give you my old smartphone so you can communicate with us about it and send messages and stuff. I have already entered the contacts and even found a suitable app for the communication problem." Momo explained and showed me everything I needed to know.

I literally fell around her neck, I was overjoyed and was happy about it.


It was already deepest night, everyone was sleeping peacefully and firmly.

Well, everyone except me.

After I went to bed, I tried to sleep, but again I had terrible nightmares and as soon as I tried to fall asleep again, the same nightmares started again.

Panting and mostly sweaty I sat upright in bed.

It was alway the same pictures, my mother who was killed before my eyes and then went down lifeless. There was a huge pool of blood around her and there was blood everywhere. Next to her Eri and out of her eyes came a lot of blood. Sometimes Shoto and Kirishima joined them in the blood puddle. And as soon as I looked into the mirror image of the puddle of blood, I recognized myself in it, with black eyes running underneath.

Why now of all times?

It doesn't make any sense.

What does that mean..?

So I played around a little with my new mobile phone to distract myself, because sleeping was simply impossible.

I watched various videos until I watched one with a guitar.

There the man played so badass well that guitar that I would love to do it too.

Hey, why not? I have nothing better to do...Wait, I don't even own a guitar.. And I can't borrow Jiro's because Tokoyami has it.


Hopefully it'll still be there tomorrow.

Shit, 2:00 already. I gotta try to get some sleep, fuck this nightmares or I won't make it through today.

So I turned of the phone and went to sleep.


Voices roared through my head, screams could be heard, images rushed past me.

Make it stop!

Everything felt like my body was burning.

Again I had a nightmare, but it seemed to be even worse than before.

I was now the one who was tortured.

Overhaul laid hands on me again, needles pierced my body, shreds of skin were sliced off me, blood splashed out of all my wounds.

And Eri watched it all, her face was shocked and afraid, she was about to cry and collapse.

I didn't want her to see that.

Now Overhaul burned my arm and poured pure 100 percent alcohol on the wound.

It was boiling hot.

If it were disinfectant, everything would be fine, because that would not be so painful, but it wasn't.

On the other hand, my arm was shock-frozen, it burned as bad as in hell.

"We need more samples!" Overhaul cried and I was cut even more.

The blood ran continuously, I became dizzy, I probably just died from lack of blood.

"Well, well, well, does anyone got tired? Well, let's do it again right away!"


And once again I sat upright in bed, all sweaty and gasping.

I should give it up.. I just can't..

It's only 2:30, but the nightmare felt like an eternity.

So I decided to be a little productive, I turned on the lamp on my desk and even finished my song lyrics.

Then I'll just write more, why not..

This time I wrote a somewhat gloomy text, inspired by my nightmares.

And then singing like it's a children's song, that would be too hilarious ..... YES, THAT'S IT,

4:30 already, the time has gone fast!

Time for the morning practice.


"(Y/n), how long have you been up?" Kirishima called out in surprise and casually jogged to me.

"What time is it?" I showed questioningly.


I just nodded and continued, Kirishima joined my training.

"But how long have you been up?" he now asked me again.

"I've been up since 5:00." I typed into my phone, which it immediately said out loud.

In fact, I had lied to him so he wouldn't have to worry about me.

"Oh, well, then you're an early riser!" he admired me, I just sweat dropped, but let it be.

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