Arlex in Quarantine

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Arthur was sitting in his and Alex's bedroom at the Fairy Palace. Their bedroom connected to a bathroom, living room, and kitchen.  It was a small apartment made specifically for them in the heart of the Camelot castle.  Arthur was fiddling with his ring.  He was thinking of the time when he and Alex got married.  That made him think of being outside and being with people.  He was really missing being with people.  At least he had Alex.  

Or at least sometimes.  Alex had a lot of work to do at the palace and reassuring the people about the pandemic.  She was working really hard and almost never had time for Arthur.  Ever. 

Arthur just wanted some time to be with his wife, was that too much to ask? He got up from the bed and walked out to their living room.  He saw Alex sitting at the table, working on some papers for the Troblin Territory.  She hadn't noticed him yet. 

A sly grin broke onto his face.  He walked over to Alex and she turned around surprised. 

"Arthur-" she yelped as he pulled her chair back and picked her up bridal style. 

"Someone's been working too hard," Arthur said with the same grin. 

"Yes, and that someone must keep working or there will be unrest,"

"Unrest can wait," Arthur said and carried her to the couch. 

"No, really, please, Arthur," she said, giggling as he plopped her down on the couch and sat down next to her.  

She brought her knees to her chest and peered over them at Arthur.  

"You know you're awful right?" she asked. 

"Awfully handsome," he said and laughed as she blushed and smacked his arm. 

"You agree with me, don't you?" he asked teasingly.

"You know that answer," she said. 

"But I'd rather it come from your mouth,"

"Fine.  Yes, I think you're terribly, awfully, wonderfully handsome.  Good enough?"

"Perfect," he said and started kissing her.  After a while, Alex pulled away for a breath.  

"Are you in a good mood?" Alex asked nervously. 

"Why wouldn't I be?" Arthur said with a smile.  

"I don't know....are you happy with me?" 

Arthur's smile faded.  "What's wrong?"

"I just want to know that you're really, truly happy with me,"

"You're going to tell me something life-changing aren't you?" he asked skeptically. 

"Yes," Alex said with a semi-smile. "It's life-changing."

"Then, yes, I am truly happy with you.  What's the life-changing news?" Arthur said, leaning forward.  

"Are you sure you're hap-?" Alex started but was cut off by Arthur's lips on hers. He broke the kiss.

"Of course I'm happy with you," he said and kept kissing her.  

When they broke away for air, Alex rested her forehead on his and muttered, "I'm pregnant,"

"What?" Arthur said and put more distance between them. 

"I'm pregnant, Arthur," Alex repeated. 

"Really?" came Arthur's breathless response. 

"Yes, really."


Alex and Arthur announced their news by word of mouth to the Fairy Council, who then spread the news throughout the kingdoms.  Everyone was happy for the couple.  Alex decided to contact her family to tell them.  

"Conner?" she asked as she and Arthur walked through the portal.  

"Alex!" Conner said and ran to hug his sister. 

"Careful," Arthur warned giving Conner a protective look. 

"I'm just hugging my sister," Conner said, not bothering to be annoyed with Arthur.  

"You're not just hugging me," Alex said. 

"What?" Conner asked, clearly confused. 

"Congratulations!" Bree said and hugged Alex lightly. 

"Congratulations for what?" Conner asked, shaking Arthur's hand.  

"She's pregnant, you stupid!" Bree chided, side-slapping his arm.  

"Oh," Conner said. "Oh! Oh, oh, oh! Oh..." his eyes were wide on his last 'oh'.

"Yes, Conner," Arthur said, answering Conner's 'ohs'.  


Arthur forced Alex to stop working as much, and spend more time resting.  Alex resisted him as much as she could, but he ended up always carrying her to her bed or the couch for rest.  She would laugh and giggle and tell him she had work, but he would never listen.  He would make sure she did little to no work and rested.  Alex longed for the day when she would be out of quarantine, so she could actually do something, but she doubted Arthur would let her.  

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