The Two M's in Quarantine

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Mother Goose sighed a slightly happy, slightly unhappy sigh.  She was in quarantine with the love of her life, Merlin.  And she was very happy about that.  But the fact that Alex and Arthur, or Conner and Bree hadn't spoken with her or Merlin in months was saddening.  There she was, with all the time in the world, and no one, besides Merlin, wanted to spend it with her.

Sure, she had seen Alex and Arthur only a few weeks ago, but now that she had more time she just wanted to see someone.  Besides Merlin.  Definitely, besides Merlin. 
Merlin has been such a great addition to her life, she was so happy with him. He made her feel a different sort of way.  Sure, she had tried to date all sorts of guys and girls throughout history, but Merlin was the first person that really was good for her.  He treated her like her and liked her that way.  But, she could still want to see someone else. 
A zap of magic hit the spot on the table right in front of her.  A magical FaceTime developed in front of her eyes.  In the middle of the 'screen' were Alex, Arthur, Conner, and Bree! 
"Hi, MG!" Conner exclaimed.
"Hey, C-Dog!" Mother Goose said, overly thrilled by seeing their faces.  "And the rest of you lot!"
"Hi Mother Goose!" They chorused. 
"Now, why haven't you been contacting me?" She asked, feigning judgement.  To be honest, she was too happy to see them, she could barely keep a smile away.
"Well.." Conner started, groping for the right words to say.  He knew that Mother Goose was joking, but it still reminded him of how out of touch he was.
"We've been waiting to call you because we have special news!" Alex said, deflecting the pressure from Conner. 
"What?" Mother Goose asked, her curiosity peaked. 
"I'm pregnant!" Alex said. 
"You're what?" Mother Goose asked incredulously.  "You know that thing lasts nine moths, right?  A lot of commitment. Are you sure you're up for it?"
"Well, it wasn't planned," Arthur said bashfully. 
"It wasn't, was it?" Mother Goose asked, with one of her knowing faces.  Unfortunately for Arthur's state of mind, that face consisted of raised eyebrows. And a telling smile. 
"Huh," Conner coughed into his fist, telling everyone he did not approve of it.  Especially the part about his sister and Arthur, not the child. 
"Well, I guess since you didn't know what you were doing, you aren't ready." Mother Goose said, knowing the response she was going to get.
"What? No, I'm  ready for this!" Alex protested.
"Alright, so long as your partner is too." Mother Goose said.
"I am!" Arthur protested.  His mood was a little different now that Mother Goose had brought up all the responsibilities this would include.  It reminded him of how Conner would act around Bree before they got married.  Wow.  What a way to big yourself down, Arthur thought.  Comparing myself to Conner isn't really what I need right now.
"When are you due?" Mother Goose asked.
"When are you due, Alex?" Conner asked, clearly having not asked this question before.
"Um," Alex started. "Seven months," she said sheepishly.
"You've been pregnant for three months!?!?" Conner exclaimed, turning to face his sister in astonishment.
"Yes," Alex said and then realized everyone was waiting for her to say more. "I thought nothing of it at first, but then after a while, I decided to take a test. And, here we are!"
"That's really awesome kid," Mother Goose said.
The call ended a little while later, and after having a good talk with them, Mother Goose felt a lot better.
"Did I hear someone else?" Merlin asked as he walked into the room.
"You just missed the four on the phone," Mother Goose said with a sigh- a completely happy sigh this time.
"Did you have a good talk?" Merlin asked, glad to see his wife happy.
"A very good talk," Mother Goose said. "Guess what?"
"Alex is pregnant."
"Yes! They've been married for two years!"
"Oh, Merlin," Mother Goose said with a sigh- another very happy sigh.

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