Love is falling all over...

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Every night I stare at the stars dotting the sky, and I wonder which orb my future wife is looking at tonight?

Is she on the same side of the moon or am I waiting for love that geographically is impossible to light?

Impossible love that my heart believes exists!

But each failed date leaves me wanting and less believing in this fantasy we all chase...

Chasing, replacing, start again...each night beseeching the universe to give me my wish of wishes...


Something that seems so simple, and yet fails to appear, like a failed, cheap, magic trick ...

I've never seen a shooting star, Or a comet crashing from afar, I've never felt my heart skip a beat, or been kissed in such a way, my mind forgets to speak...

And yet, somehow, despite the feeling of impossibility, the lack of cooperation from my celestial gods...

You have reignited that ray of light within me, given me hope in what exists between my heart and another's...

Maybe we will decide we are destined to be only friends? But my heart right you read this...

Believes in fairy tales, and dreams of what tomorrow will bring...

Thank you for being real and proving that there is something...someone out there...

Words From The Heart-PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now