Dumb Ways To Confess. (Moxiety with side Logince)

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Patton was in the kitchen cooking dinner as he did everyday. His crush, which was totally not Virgil, walked into the room with a stack of papers in his arms.

"Hey Pat, whatcha doing?" Virgil asked as he set the papers on the counter to work. Patton giggled and smiled a bit.

"Working on dinner, we're having lasagna and garlic bread!" Patton answered with a jump. Virgil smiled a bit and got to work on what he was doing with the papers. "What are those?" Patton questioned tilting his head to the side.

"Just some stuff Logan gave me to try and find something out" Virgil sighed. And spread the papers out over the counter.

Virgil's pov from two hours earlier

I have had a huge crush on Patton for the longest time but I couldn't figure out what to do about it, so I went to Logan. I knocked steadily on his door and waited for him to answer. There was a muffled 'come in' from the other side of the room so I walked in.

"Hey Logan, I need your help with something" I stated as I walked into the room. Logan turned from his desk which had Roman sitting on it in a cheerleading uniform.

"Heya Virgie~" Roman greeted with a little hand wave. I rolled my eyes and sat on Logan's bed.

"Hello Virgil, what can I assist you with?" Logan questioned. I bit my lip anxiously (Hey like your name!) and messed with my hoodie strings.

"I-I have a crush on somebody and I-I need your help with trying to confess" I admitted shyly. Roman squealed like a girl and clapped his hands excitedly.

"Oooo~! Who!" Roman squealed. I laughed and hid in my hoodie.

"Pat, anyway help me." I stated and looked Roman dead in the eyes, "and if you tell him I swear I will end anything but the dark and boring clothing and items you own" I threatened. Roman gasped and crossed his arms.

"Lucky for you I've collected a bunch of research on how to do confess, and I'll lend it to you but I won't give you some of the more," Logan paused as he looked for the word, "extreme, things" Logan finally said. I nodded as he went to get it.

Logan soon came back with the research and gave me a big stack. I thanked him quickly and went to my room to look through it all.

~fast forward to present time~

Patton got done with dinner soon after I finished going threw all the stuff logan gave me.

"Kiddos! Dinner!" Patton called as he was setting the table. I ran down and smiled at him

      "Hey Pat, smells good" I said while sitting down and watching the other sit down aswell. Patton put food on my plate while I poured the drinks for everyone.

      "Now kiddos, I made a special lasagna! Virgil why don't you take a look hm?" He asked with a bright grin. I couldn't help but nod and dig around my lasagna before pulling out a note on purple paper.

      "What's this?" I asked with a slight smile. He giggled.

      "I dunnoooo~ why don't you open it snd find out?" He asked. I nodded and opened it. The note read:

".     Dear Virgil.

I have to confess something. I've liked you for the longest time. I've had these feelings when we were near eachother of holding your hand and hugging you and kissing you, I really think I... love you. I truly hope you feel the same way.

                                                    -regards Patton<3
(Ps, Logan helped me with the words and finding paper that won't catch on fire in my lasagna, thank you Logan!)"

      A warm smile spread across my face. "Patt.. I-" I was speechless. After a long while of silence and worried looks from pattons face I looked up at him, "I love you too." I finally said and kissed his nose before hugging him tightly, "thank you"

      "Thank you virgil!!!!" Patton squealed and stuff a big fork full of food in his mouth. I smiled and ate my dinner.

      Once we finished me and Patton were up in my room, his arm was draped around me as I held onto his hand while we watched a movie. We were cuddled up in blankets and he was slowly falling asleep. I kissed his forehead and nuzzled into him while tucking a note into his shirt pocket. I couldn't help but smile, he was truly mine. My guy, my adorable crush who liked me back. My heart filled with warmth and I couldn't help but want to kiss him. He smiled while dosing off and slept. I watched for a minute while listening to the rise and fall of his breath, I traced a heart above his with my hand and held him close. 'This is absolutely perfect' I thought and couldn't be happier.

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