Chapter 2: Absolute Annihilation

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In an instant, Gigan's brother had launch Ghidorah like a golden soccerball. The pure force of the shotgun had blown away the Golden Dragoness, but the shockwave and pure sound shattered every price of glass in the city. The barrels smoked as he lowered the gun. He then raises his arm and catches a grenade that Megalon spat out. He glares at it, before he closes his hand around it completely. When it explodes, it's nothing but a small puff. He then opens his hand to grab Gigan's tail as it attempts to stab him in his exposed biceps.

He spins her around like a rock attached to rope, and smacks her into Orga. Both fly into Ghidorah as she tries to get up. He then turns to Megalon, who gulps and slowly backs away. He runs at her, before performing a flying drop kick into her gut, and sends her careening into a building. Civilians had long since evacuated, and DoomGigan had no qualms against the destruction of public property if it meant stopping thousands of innocent lives from being lost.

"Are you fucking kidding? THIS is the group our thousands of worlds. I've already thrashed you pretty good and you guys haven't even landed a bit on me!"

He pops open the chamber of the shotgun, discharges the old shells, generates two new shells, reloads it, and then pops it back. He grins as they struggle to get up. He pops some of the joints in his neck.

"Now let's see how you like my Gauss Cannon."

He raises his left arm, and digs his feet into the ground, turning the laser towards Ghidorah. It charges up, bolts of energy spekeign and jumping across the rails, before it fires, sending a powerful beam of energy. The passage of the beam causes some of the buildings to melt slightly, and upon contact twitch the Kaiju, explodes with massive force, shaking the city. One of Gigan's arms flies past his face, and he picks it up. To his shock, it's complete metallic. He glances back at the smoke cloud.

"What the hell happened while I was gone?"

     He stands up ass the smoke begins to clear. Gigan was missing her arm, which her brother had just picked up, and a leg, as well as an eye. The webbing of Ghidorah's wings had been burned away, and Orga's armor had been cracked and steam was curling through the cracks. They struggle to stand, Orga holding Gigan up.

"This isn't over! You may have bested me today, but one day you will fall at my hands"


         Ghidorah growls as they teleport back to their ship. DoomGigan stares at his sister's severed arm, before he tosses it over his shoulder. His fan like sails spread as jets on his feet and shoulders fire up. He takes off, leaving behind a shocked group of Kaiju and humans. He travels for a long time, flying over long stretches of ocean, before landing somewhere near Australia. He looks around, before sitting down and pulling out six keys. He smirks, before inserting them into his arms, three in each. They spark and glow, before they vanish and a notice pops up on his monitor.


He grins, before he sits back and relaxes, slowly drifting off into sleep.


Back on their ship, Ghidorah's forces were recuperating. Gigan was busy being repaired by Megalon.

"So tell me, how is that brute related to you?"

"It's... a long story. But I'll start at the beginning. My brother was an outcast of our species. Males are usually frail and not designed to be strong. My brother decided to say "Fuck the rules, I'm my own person!". And so he trained. And trained. And trained. I would watch him, slowly building up muscle and strength. Watched him finally beat our mother in combat. But there was still a problem. We are a fast and agile race, using precise attacks to dispatch our enemies. He used powerful, brutal strikes that took out anyone in a few blows. Not many liked that. My brother did it on purpose, doing the exact opposite of what he was supposed to be."

"He sounds like a great role model."

"He was. He did everything he could to help those weaker than him. He helped veterans whose cybernetics mood longer worked as well, so they couldn't fight. He earned a very good reputation, and a lot of the people helped, which were mostly women who couldn't fight, became very infatuated with him. But then one day..."

"What happened?"

"It's a very touchy subject among my people. But it came out a male had drugged and raped a notable commander of the army. He claimed it was to show that not all males were weak, and that he was following my brother's example. My brother, in a fit of ravenous hate and disgust, broke into his cell and violently beat him to death. He took blame for that man's crimes, and went into exile. But before that he made me promise that I would always defend the weak. Guess I failed that promise."

"And what of your people, how did they react?"

"A lot of people turned against him, especially the veterans. He was heartbroken, but he understood why. I guess that's why he beat that man to death."

"I can see why he's be so angry at you."

The door to their room opens up, and the two glance to see Ghidorah enter the room.

"I overheard your conversation. Do you think maybe they'd like to get their hands on him again?"

"I dunno. Maybe. I haven't called back home in awhile to due all the crap that's been happening"

"Then contact them as soon as possible. If they do want him brought back, tell them we will need their help."

"Yes, milady."

Ghidorah leaves the room, and Gigan stares out the window, staring at the earth below.

"I'm glad you're okay, big bro."

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