Chapter 4: Home

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The Scytheclaw and the mysterious dragon woman slowly circle each other. He slowly loads his Super Shotgun, and cocks his combat shotgun on the other arm. They then charge, and they both throw a punch, but when their fists collide, it causes a massive shockwave. They keep exchanging blows, but it was clear that Scytheclaw was winning due to his invulnerability.

"Awwww~. Did you have to rough me up that bad?"


He roundhouse kicks her and staggers her, then blasts her in the face with his shotgun, knocking her out and making her crumple, but catches her before she hits the ground. He slings her over his shoulder.

"Vega, open a portal. Get her into a cell where she won't disintegrate anything. I want to talk to her later."

"Right away. The cell is ready."

A portal opens, and Scytheclaw tosses her through. He sighs, and rubs the back of his helmet. He shakes his head.

"This is the last time I spare her."

He feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns to see his mother.

"Let's go home. There are many people eager to see you again."

"I hope so... otherwise homecoming is gonna be a bloodbath."

He stands.

"Don't destroy Earth little princess. I have a family reunion to attend."

"I might. I might not. Depends. Ta ta."

Scytheclaw rolls his eyes, and walks alongside his sister and mother. He gently picks up his littler sisters and they climb onto his shoulders and head, or ride on his tail. They poke at his tail end.

"Hey bro, why do you not have tail blade like sis and mama?"

"Mine is special. I shouldn't really do it here, because it's really dangerous, but it's a laser sword."

"Ooooooohhhh! Can we see it?"

"I just said not right now."


His sisters pout, and pokes at his face.

"Please. Please. Please."

"I said later."

They enter the smaller private Gigan ship, and it detached from the Ghidorah fleet. Gigan guns the engines, and the blast off, traveling at light speed. The little sisters cling onto Gigan, who remains standing, the absolute unit. Finally, they exit the light speed, and arrive in the atmosphere of their home planet.

The metal ring surrounding it was it's defense grid, every inch covered with shield generators

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The metal ring surrounding it was it's defense grid, every inch covered with shield generators. They arrive at a sort of gate in the ring.

"Ah, milady General! I see your back! Is he with you?"

"Yes. We'll be landing shortly. Do radio down and ask to keep the crowds at bay."

"Will do."

The comms shut off and Scytheclaw snorts.

"Way to talk like I'm not there."

"Easy son. People are still... cautious. Rumors about what you did to the princess back on earth have already spread."

"Oh joy."

He sighs and watches as they descend to the planet's surface. The crowds flock to the landing bay, and a group of tall, elderly warrior women step forward as it lands with a soft thud. Its doors open, and Gigan and Mother descend.

"Greetings mother. How are you?"

"I'm fine. And what if my grandson, does he have stage fright? Afraid to be spat at again?"

"Not at all, you old hag."

Scytheclaw steps down form the ship, and a hushed silence spreads through the crowds. Some stares in shock as he marched up to his grandmother, and looked down into her eyes.

"In fact, I'm even more eager to see how you spend to much time living in the past."

"To much time in the past? After what your "associate" did? You will live with your little upstart consequences."

"Ok then. But how come you have never been taken to court over your carelessness with your peoples lives? You let us, the males, be oppressed for so long. I was a peaceful protester. That man I though of as a fiend was not. But your so old and blind that you cannot sees the difference. You want everything to be exactly the way YOU want it. Well I ain't having that anymore."

His grandmother's face contorts with anger, and her arm shifts into a laser gun, and she points it at his face. He doesn't flinch.

"Do it. Pull the trigger."

She screams in anger and fires, causing an explosion. Scytheclaw shrugs off the blast, grabs his grandmothers cannon. He lifts her up off the ground and makes her stares into her eyes as his right and shifts into Gauss Cannon.

"You called that a laser? THIS is a laser."

He fires, and a raging beam of plasma is unleashed into her gut, sending her flying into a nearby wall. She tries to get up, but Scytheclaw plants his armored, demon blood covered boot on the back of her head and curb stomps her into the ground. He spits on her unconscious body, before turning around and reuniting with his family.

"Let's go home, shall we? I want to see dad again."

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