(a.u.m) :4: Facade

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"...Date you..." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Me and him, dating? Eww! I mean at least he kept his hygiene but still...

"I know it's personal but I need to get her away from me, even if it means dating someone as Imbecilic as you." He told me, it would be a very rude comment coming from anyone else, but from him I guess it was normal.

"Ok, first off, why would anybody in their right mind date you?! Whether It's fake or not, your rude to everyone and you barely show any emotion. Plus you always get everything you want and now you just expect you can get anyone to do your bidding?"

"Why yes, yes I do. Now if you want a true reason to why you should 'date me', then here it is... whether you remember it or not (y/n), we were friends and I trusted you way more than I should have. You... always had my back and sympathized for my situation. And before you say anything, yes I did know you knew what I was talking about. Even now though, I still think very less of you only because you gave into having friends and not caring much about your career in school and life. So there you have it." Whoa, I didn't know he remembered us talking about that stuff let alone any of our friendship.

"Oh... I didn't know you remembered..." I murmured,

"Of course I did, you were the only person that would talk to the kid everyone thought was 'too caught up in himself to be social.'" He sounded like he cared for that second, and that made me feel really bad about insulting him just then.

"I'll... I'll do it. On one condition though."

"And what's that?" He questioned.

"No kissing... at least not on the lips. You can hold my hand, cuddle, sit next to me at lunch etc."

"Fine by me, but please wash and bathe regularly. I can't have another filthy creature following me around." 

"Fine... Deal." With that it was settled. I would be Togami's girlfriend and we would act as if everything was normal between us. This would definitely shake up my year a bit, but I didn't mind.


That night I laid in my bed for quite awhile before falling asleep. After the attack of the other night, I was terrified to think what Toko might do to me when she saw me and Byakuya that close. For now though I shook it off and went to bed.

The next morning I saw Toko was in the bathroom braiding her hair for the day. Seeing her reminded me that I would officially have to pretend to be a future Togami. Great.

I got up, put my uniform on, and neatly pulled up my hair. I at least had to try to look like I was impressing Byakuya. As I headed out the door I heard Toko say, "You look awfully peppy today, Don't ya?" I heard her cackle and I quickly left the room afraid of what might happen if I stayed.

As I headed to Calculus, I saw everyone a little peppier today too , probably because we were nearing the end of our first week. One girl was especially peppy though, and that was Asahina.

"Hey Asahina!" I cheered.

"Oh hey! You can just call me Hina though okay?"

"Oh alright! This is your first class too?"

"Sure is!" She said back. Just then the charmer himself walked right up to us.

" Hello Asahina, hello sweetie." It almost knocked me back hearing him call me that.

"Sweetie? Like you guys are dating or something?" Hina questioned eagerly.

"Yes, we are..." Byakuya and I said at the same time. I'm sure I blushed a bit after that.

𝑈𝑛𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ- 𝙱𝚢𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚢𝚊 x readerWhere stories live. Discover now