(a.u.m) :5: I don't need you anyway

531 19 14

After that day, everything felt completely different. No one said anything about the status of our relationship, and didn't question how or why were together. It was actually quite a relief to have everyone back off a bit.
After a few more days, I noticed that I hadn't seen Toko much. Ever since the lunch incident, it felt like she had never went to our school in the first place.

The rest of the day was spent in boring classes with teachers who didn't know what they were doing. For a school that supposedly the best of the best, the staff sure was under par. At the end of class, Byakuya and I got up from our seats and started waking to the library when out of nowhere, he grabbed my ass and pulled me closer, taking me in for a long kiss. I didn't protest against it since we supposedly had done this many times before. Once everyone was out sight, he let go of me looking disgusted and rushed us to the library.

"What are you doing?!" I whispered,

"Making it clear to Toko that we will me and her will never be thing." Once we reached the library he told me to sit down as he brushed himself off.

"I'm sorry about that sudden action, but I needed to make sure that if Toko WAS there, she would know that nothing has changed." He explained,

"Ok.. but that seemed pretty natural to you."

"Don't read too much into it, I just know how to handle a situation like that" He sounded really defensive at this point, so I decided to back off. "Anyways, I suppose our business with each other is over. Seeing how Toko has backed off quite a bit, wouldn't you say?"

"Well yes, I suppose she has, but your really just going to throw me away like this?" I asked, I was shocked at how much I cared about this and how much this hurt to think about not having the attention from him or the other students.

"Like I said, I'm done with you. Thank you for helping me. Now please go." I didn't say anything back to him and just walked out of the library. I walked to my dorm and sat on my bed. It felt weird to be dumped by a fake boyfriend, but why should I care? He was a stuck up jerk, who clearly didn't have any interest in commitment. 

I woke up a few hours later, and the sunset was seeping through my blinds. I sat up and went to the sink to splash water in my face, hoping to wake up enough to take a walk. I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door.

When I reached the path that went around campus, I saw the infamous prick himself, strutting down the walkway. 

"I see your awful perky after being rejected," He started, "You must have amnesia, I'm done with you."

"I'm not here for you, in fact..... I have a date...." I said, looking for the words to form. He looked back at me disgusted, with a hint of hurt. He regained composure, and replied.

"Well peasant, I best be on my way before anyone sees me talking you."

"As far as they know, we're still dating idiot!" Without saying anything he walked off at an alarming fast rate.

"Weirdo.." I kept on my walk for a little longer and tried to think of how I was going to show him I had a new boyfriend. I know I shouldn't care, but he needs to be shown that he isn't going to be the one to hurt me.

When I returned back to my dorm, I ran into a familiar face in the hallway, someone I hadn't seen in years: Makoto Naegi. He had been a decent friend of mine before, but we had drifted apart once we hit high school.


"(y/n)? It's so nice to see you!"

"You too! I didn't know you still went here!"

"Oh yea, my parents decided not to move till I was off at college, so here I am! On a different note, you and Byakuya?"

"Oh- yea, we uh... had a little thing going on for a bit, but it's pretty much over at this point," I laughed akwardly,

"Oh umm.... I'm sorry to hear that.. that kiss seemed pretty real though,"

"Yea, I thought so too. Anyways, it's awesome that your here, would you like to catch up over coffee tomorrow?"

"Sure, that sounds great! I'll see you then!" He agreed,

"OK bye!" I walked into my dorm and flopped on the pillow, only to soon fall asleep.


Two questions:

1: When Byakuya and (y/n) start actually dating, what kind of relationship should it be, like fluffy and innocent, or frisky and more physical (excuse me for my cringy use of words)

2: Who should be y/n's best friend throughout the story? (It can include Makoto)

𝑈𝑛𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ- 𝙱𝚢𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚢𝚊 x readerWhere stories live. Discover now