Death Egg Destroyed

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Brody's POV

Gadget went out to be our distraction and he got rid of a giant crab mech that was going to go to the Chemical Plant while Sonic and I were running to the Chemical Plant.

"We are almost at the Chemical Plant Knuckles" I said on a communicator "How's the rookie doing with the distraction?" Sonic asked "So far so good. We might have to stop using the nickname 'rookie' if the kid keeps this up" Knuckles said "Next, we've got to get to the computer at the Chemical Plant and shut down the Death Egg's weapons system" Tails said "Perfect! We've been waiting for our turn to bust some heafs!" I said and Sonic nodded smiling as we arrive at the Network Terminal in Chemical Plant and we dash through till we find the computer room and we shut down the weapon systems of the Death Egg.

*Back with the others*

Classic Brody's POV

"The Death Egg's weapons systems are down! Now is your chance! Move!" Rouge said "Hurry! Just destroy the Death Egg and cut off th power supply!" Tails said "You're making it sound like a walk in the park. This is a Death Egg!" Vector said "Don't sweat it. The other Sonic and Brody have this under control" Tails said and Sonic and I nodded and we go to the Death Egg.

We cause a lot of havoc in the Death Egg and destroyed it including the power supply of the Phantom Ruby and we quickly escaped getting vack to the resistance's base while giving each other a kiss on the cheek.

Now Eggman should no longer have use for the Phantom Ruby.

*Meanwhile at Green Hill*

Third Person's POV

Eggman watched how his Death Egg exploded "Grr, those resistance pests and their clever little plots. They're like something on your shoe ghat you can't wipe off" Eggman said frustrated  "It appears they have taken our legs right out from under us. Quite impressive, really" Orbot said "I don't have legs. Neither do you, dude" Cubot said "Don't remind me dude!" Orbot said as Infinite showed up "Fove more hours before the plan is executed. Infinite, let's make a tactical retreat so that we can re-mobilize our forces" Eggman said "By tactical retreat you mean to say, flee with our tails between our legs" Infinite said "I'm quite displeased about this, doctor" he said "No. I meant that unless you want to go back to be a forgettable weak nobody we'll go back to Metropolis and activate the Phantom Ruby's back up power supply! Or what do you want to go back to be a forgettable weakling?" Eggman asks ".....No doctor" Infinite said "That's what I thought. So Infinte mind telling me what's our next plan?" Eggman asks "Yes. Doctor we shall retreat to reorganize forces" Infinite said as he flies off with Eggman.

It seems that the Phantom Ruby isn't comepletrly out of question yet.

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