His Love

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I stared up at the sky in disgust. Why is my life so miserable? My sister, my parents and my ex? I could recall the memory so well.

Walking over to his house, I heard whispers. I hid behind a car at his house and peeked out. Jacob was kissing another girl. My mind went completely blank. I felt nothing. Without thinking, I marched up to him and pulled him away from the girl. I slapped him. Hard.

''It's over, Jacob.'' I walked away crying, silently praying he'd come back. But I knew better, he's a cheater. He ran after me, but I started running, and I ran fast. He chased me all the way back to my house.

''It's not what you think, Jamie!'' He protested.

''I know better than to trust you! How long were you cheating on me?'' I looked at him with tears slipping down my cheeks.

''I... it.. it was a month after we started going out.''

I slapped him one more time and ran home, where I eavesdropped on my parents fighting.

That was a month before my parents got divorced. I moved with my dad, my sister with my mom. My sister was failing school, dropping grades slowly. My dad told me that inside his heart he still loved my mom but things just weren't working.

But that was just the beginning.

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