Chapter Seven

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  It's Christmas. All of the stores are closed. We were in our pajamas jumping about the house merrily, singing Christmas carols. Using the laptop Lucas bought me. That kid was so nice.

  I was drinking a cappuccino. Bella was reading The Hunger Games, and I was reading Just Listen. I was so into it, I couldn't hear Rye tell me to get dressed. A hand waved in front of the book and I stopped reading.

  ''Yes?'' I looked at her tiredly.

  ''Go get dressed! We're going to sing Christmas carols around the neighborhood!'' She threw a warm, red and white dress for me to wear at me.

  I sighed and put it on. I wore some white winter boots to match. All of us were wearing the same outfits, but Rye and Lily were wearing black flats with studs. We were also wearing a Santa hat, and we all looked so cute. With the option with jingle bell bracelets, we tested our voices and warmed up.

  The first house we went to had an old lady. She was so merry she paid us. Sure, some people don't. It's depending on their emotion.

  Later, I saw a house. It felt so familiar although I've never seen it. The person who answered the door was Lucas. Shock replaced my face. The girls sang a song while Lucas and I were in a deep stare.

  ''Merry Christmas,'' we all chorused. I hugged Lucas so tightly as if I'd lose him. He kissed me on the forehead and after he paid- which he didn't have to- we left.

  When we were out of hearing distance, the girls were so loud.

  ''Did you know that was his house?''

  ''Do you love or like him?''

  ''He was staring at you so much!''

  ''Why does he like you?''

  Bella said the last one. We all stopped and stared at her. Rose looked at her closely. ''Are you... jealous of her?'' Rose asked wide eyed.

  ''No, but she's too perfect-''

  ''Nobody's perfect, not even her. You know if you're going to be mean to her you should back away.'' Rye defended me.

  Lily and I started belting out the song from Hannah Montana. Rye looked at us as if saying, ''This is so not the time.'' Lily and I looked apologetic.

  ''Look, I've never had a good relationship. Look at Jamie. She has a true love. She's beautiful and perfect, and I'm worthless and ugly, no guy likes me.'' Bella fell to the ground in tears. Rose was always by her side, but never took sides against arguments, so she hugged Bella.

  ''Is that really what you think, Bella?'' I asked her. I crouched down to her level.

  ''Yes,'' she said in between sobs.

  ''Well I'm not perfect. If you call perfect being my whole family is separated, one of the only relationships I've ever had broken by that jerk Jacob.'' I hated her right now.

  ''Think better, one day I will be better than you!'' Bella stormed off. Rose followed her, after saying she couldn't stay with us. To be honest, I was fine with it. Rye, Lily and I were the most best friends ever. Nothing can change that.

  ''What a freak,'' Rye muttered.

  ''I'll race you guys to the park- backwards!'' I screamed at the top of my lungs. We all started running backwards in the snow to the park. I bumped into someone and fell down in the snow laughing.

  ''Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Hey, are you okay? Besides the laughter coming from your mouth?'' A feminine voice with a British accent said. I grabbed her out stretched hand and stood up. A girl exactly my height was wearing a long, black peacoat, jeans and a white scarf to match. She had those brown uggs I wanted last year. Her hair was long enough to reach her chest, and it was black but her bangs were dyed blonde and some highlights that were purple in her hair.

  ''I'm fine,'' I looked to see that Lily and Rye were chasing each other around the park.

  ''Why were you running backwards?'' she asked with her thick accent. Her face was completely perfection, any guy would've fallen for her. Nothing was too much, her brown eyes had specks of blue in them, having contrast.

  ''Racing my friends. Oh I should introduce myself, I'm Jamie. I live close here.''

  ''I'm Aerie. I was born in China, but my parents died so I had to move to England where my aunt is, and now I've moved here. My aunt lives around here. Just explaining, because I bet my accent sounds too thick.''

  ''Hot British guys?'' I asked with a smirk playing.

  ''Yes, lots of 'em! Well I'm sorry but I got to go now, here's my cellphone number. We could go shopping together one day.'' She smiled at me after she gave me her number and ran back. 

  She's going to replace Bella and Rose.

  Revenge... is sweet.

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