Chapter Three

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  It's been a month, and I'm worried sick for Jamie. I miss her smile, I miss her laugh, I miss everything of her. I visit twice a week, and talk to her body hoping she could hear. I wasn't even paying attention in class that much, to be honest I never have. I've been staring out the window all the time, the teachers would get mad and send me to the principal's office. I refused to say that I knew Jamie. They would feel sad for me. I really missed her..

  It was pain to see her lying almost lifeless, on the bed, with a pale face, not moving. It was sad to say, I know how she feels, her eyelids not moving, faint heartbeats. I loved her, and I didn't even know why. It hurt yesterday to leave her in the rain, but why would she think I'm one of those jerks? Where the heck did she get the idea?

  I needed her. I truly need her. Think it's the right time to visit her again. I walked to the hospital, and went to her room. The doctor wasn't in the room. I sat down next to her bed and started talking to myself. Hoping she would hear. I didn't notice her heart monitor started thumping louder, and faster.

  ''If I only ran faster, I could've caught you and I'd be the one lying there motionless. Forgive me, Jamie. I failed you.'' I bent over to kiss her on the cheek.

  In a thousandth of a second, she bolted straight up, kissing me on the lips. Her shoulders relaxed after being stiff, and she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me after.

  ''Why am I here? Where am I? I'm so glad to see you!'' She hugged me tighter than ever.

  Didn't she remember? ''You were in a coma after you jumped. Wait, you forgive me?''

  ''You're a good friend, Lucas, I have to. I heard everything you said in my.. coma.'' She said the word as if it would've killed her to do so.

  ''Oh,'' I breathed. There was a moment of silence before she spoke again.

  ''I want to get out of the hospital,'' she whined.

  The doctor walked in at that moment with a surprised look on her face. She checked the monitors and machines. ''Well you seem just fine, if you ever feel dizzy or something, come back.'' She unconnected the lines to Jamie's body.

  ''Yes! I'm free,'' she grabbed my hand and raced me to her house. I was panting by the time we got there.

  It surprised me when she cupped my cheeks in her hands and kissed me passionately. She pulled away breathless.

  ''You saved my life, Lucas.'' she breathed.

  ''No, the doctors did.''

  ''No, you did. You came and visited a place where it smells gross and has lots of sick patients with who knows what diseases just for me and talked to me through my endless sleep.''

  ''If you put it that way, sure..''


  ''You've known me for how much days?'' I laughed.

  ''Two actual days,''

  ''You're a really good friend, Lucas.'' I smiled.

  ''Friend? That's it? After that you keep on saying friends? You know it's more than that, Jamie.'' He protested.


  ''Listen, Jamie, I love you. It's too much if we're just friends.'' He interrupted me.

  I heard a car engine park. I looked out of the window and saw the unexpected. Dad. ''You have to get out of here! My dad's home,'' I pushed him outside the back door.

  ''You don't tell him about your friends?'' He widened his eyes.

  ''No,'' I heard his keys unlocking the door. ''Go, now!'' I shut the door before he could speak. I sat down and picked up a random book and pretended to read it.

  ''Hey, how was work?'' I smiled at him.

  ''Tiring for a month. I'm going to have a nap, okay sweetie?'' I nodded and he headed up to his room and had a nap. I went to the back door and saw him sitting beside the flowers, waiting for me. I opened the door and sat beside him. I rested my head on his shoulder. We sat there in silence for a while.

  It was comfortable, even with how we felt for eachother. I loved him, but I couldn't be with him. I wasn't ready. I had to forget Jacob, I needed to find my friends and make them forgive me. I had to sort my problems out.

  ''Jamie?'' I snapped out of my thinking. I stared at him.

  ''Um, yeah?''

  ''I asked you a question,'' He was looking at me intensely.

  ''Oh, what is it?''

  ''Would... would you be my girlfriend?'' He looked at me hopefully.

  I almost choked on my own saliva. I had just went over that. I needed to sort it all out somehow. I wasn't... ready.

  ''Lucas, I'd love to say yes but I'm not ready yet,'' his face went from hope to rejection. ''I'm sorry.''


  ''You can't love me here, I know you can find a better girl to be with.'' He looked at me sadly.

  ''But I love you.''

  ''I'm just not ready yet, I'm going through too much. Listen, since it's November, come back to me in January and tell me if you still love me. I know girls like you, and don't reject them for me.''

  ''Fine, but what if I still love you in January?'' He stared at me hopefully.

  ''Then, I'll be your girlfriend.''

  ''Thanks, Jamie. I won't let you down.'' he went home, and I felt blank. I went back inside and sent a message to Lucas on Facebook saying I won't talk to him until January. I deleted him, his chat, and every other trace of conection to him. I did my homework and went to bed, thinking of him.

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