Part 1 - Kelly

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Hi! So this is my new, Percy Jackson based book. All credits of the characters, places, and things go to Rick Riordan/Uncle Rick. Hope you enjoy!


Okay, so I'm Athena's daughter - so everyone expects me to be like super brainy and all. But to tell you the truth, I'm like a little above average student. I mean, I get straight A's and stuff. I'm on the debate team, Model UN, and I help out at the library. I'm also Annabeth's older sister, so everyone is always coming to me for help and advice. So I teamed up with Lacy, a twelve year old daughter of Aphrodite and started a business. We call ourselves, Kells and Lace, The Advice Centre. Cool right? I'm 19, sometimes I lie in bed and think, Wow, how am I still alive right now? But last year, I had witnessed the death of one of my best friends, Luke Castellan. So this year, I was hoping to have a fresh new start. And 2 weeks ago, Lacy and I had a client. 

I was sitting behind my desk in my office. It was actually a little den that Annabeth had built for the new campers, but then Lacy and I started begging Chiron to let us use it, and we probably annoyed him a lot, because he gave in after 2 minutes. Our office was beside the Big House, so literally everyone could see us. Lacy and I charged everyone 10 drachma for each session, sometimes a session could go one for weeks, but hey - both of us are earning 5 drachma, as we split the 10 in half- so we couldn't really complain. Anyway, 2 weeks ago I was sitting behind my desk reading The Great Gatsby while Lacy was painting her nails purple. Knock, knock. I was really startled so I accidentally spilled my cup of orange juice over my desk. I groaned in frustration and told Lacy to clean it up while I get the door. I went to the door and opened it, it turned out to be Miranda Gardiner, my best friend Katie's - younger sister. 

"Hi!", I exclaimed cheerfully. 

"Hi Kelly, so I'm here because I need help, and I saw a flyer for your business so I came here as soon I could.", Miranda explained. Lacy appeared beside me and asked, "Okay, so what do you want us to do?". Miranda turned as red as her prized tomatoes that won the gardening fair in Camp Half Blood every year. 

"Well, uh.... Right. So, um. I, kinda have...", Miranda started. 

Lacy put her hand in front of Miranda's face and said, "Okay, so we're getting no where here right now, but since I'm the daughter of Aphrodite, and I read Valentina's Seventeen magazine since she gets a shipment every week - " Lacy turned to me, "Don't  tell her that by the way. I'm guessing Miranda, that you're having boy trouble?". That really got Miranda, "I mean, I didn't mean to like him. It's just that, he really got to me, like really got to me. And I can't believe I have a, have a, have a - what's it called?" 

                     "A crush?", I asked. 

"Yeah, a crush on him! Like Katie doesn't even have a boyfriend, and she's a year older than me. But she does have a crush on Travi-", then Miranda covered her mouth in astonishment. I just let my mouth hang open. I always knew that Travis liked Katie, especially when he and Conner covered Cabin 4 in flowers, which was actually pretty nice until stink bombs planted in the flowers exploded. Katie was so upset that she actually pranked Travis and Conner back by covering Cabin 11 with honey and shaving cream. But, that's another story, but Katie liking Travis? That's like Zeus never cheating Hera, it's impossible. Lacy just smirked, "Don't worry, we wont tell." 

 "Please come in.", I said and gestured her to sit down. Miranda sat in front of me and Lacy's desk. Lacy got straight down to business, "So who's the lucky boy?" she asked. Again - Miranda flushed red. "Uhhh.... It's well, Sherman.". I couldn't help but laugh, "HAHAHAHAHA!" Lacy also started laughing along with me and we just started having a giggling fit. "Sorry Miranda. Ah! Hahaha! But Sherman? Yeah right, and Hades has a crush on Kim Kardashian! Oh, right, sorry! But seriously?!?! You're talking about Clarisse's brother, Ares cabin Sherman?". 

"Uh, yeah." 

"Why?", asked Lacy. 

"Well, I think that Sherman is actually kinda nice ya know?" 

I shake my head, "No, I do not know Miranda. Please explain why." 

"Well, I used to think that Sherman was a big jerk. He always bullied those new campers and teased them. But then one day I saw him in the strawberry fields planting cosmos, a type of flower. And I thought how sweet that was so I joined him since I was there to pick strawberries for a new load that was ordered. I talked to him and I learned his story, he was bullied when he was young because he doesn't have a dad, and his mum is a cop so she's always busy. And I could relate to what it was like, so I comforted him. Then when supper came, I stood up, gave him a hug and kissed his cheek." 

So, what do you guys think? Shermanda - (Miranda and Sherman) is very ship worthy since they are a real thing. Updating soon, 

Peace Out, 

Book Smartie :)

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