Part 3 - Kelly

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   To be honest, when you're working with Lacy - you're rather smart or you have now idea what's going on. In my case,  I had no idea what's going on.  For a twelve year old, Lacy's smart. Like real smart - but not Athena smart more, street smart. She always knew what was going on in camp, who likes who - blah blah blah.  Anyway, Lacy had just finished telling me her plan which was super and highly  dangerous - which I will explain later. Anyway, our office was a good 350 metres from the cabins, but I used to be on the girl's track team so I survived. In about three minutes we arrived at the Demeter's Cabin - cabin 4. I gasped at what I saw:                                                    Katie's most prized petunias were spray-painted an awful mixture of gray and brown, and the cabin was covered in sky-blue paint. Not only that, but Katie's hair was in a dark shade of purple. I don't know what happened, when Miranda came to visit us that day - her hair was slightly wet, but then I got my answer when Katie started yelling at Travis and Conner who stood in front of her in the middle of the circle the crowd had made.

 "I take my cabin out to the shower rooms, I see that my hair has been died purple while everyone else's was fine. Come back and I see my petunias spray-painted gray and brown, and my cabin painted blue! TRAVIS AND CONNER STOLL!!!! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR UGLY MINDS?!?!"

  I saw Travis and Conner standing there, trying not to laugh - but then failed. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" They burst out. I can tell you this, I had never seen Katie's face so red from anger before - in fact, I haven't seen anyone's face so red before. She literally looked like a human tomato. Suddenly, vines poked through the ground and crept around Travis and Conner's wrists so tightly - they might as well become grapes. I could see that Travis and Conner were in pain, and I knew that Katie knew too. So she loosened her grip and the vines sank back into the ground, I turned to my left to talk to Lacy - but she was actually video-taping this! I had gotten her an anti-monster camera last year for her birthday in Feb. this year. I was going to scold her but then Katie said something else. 

  She walked up to Travis, so close that I suspect that they could hear each other breathing. This might've seamed ridiculous to most people since there was this Demeter girl with dark purple hair scolding a Hermes boy - but this was normal to everyone from cabin, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12. Even kids from the other cabins knew about the daily "Katie yelling at the Stolls" reference.                  "Let me tell you this Stoll. You're going to get it. I spent six months growing those petunias at home so I could bring them here to show everyone. SIX MONTHS!", yelled Katie as she stormed back to Cabin four. All the other cabin four kids followed her too, I could see Miranda walking up the stairs too. Lacy finally turned to me, "They like each other." I was super confused, "Who?" 

   Lacy rolled her eyes as if she was trying to teach me simple math, "Travis and Katie. Duh!" I don't even bother, so I just change the subject to Sherman and Miranda, or as Lacy likes to say, Shermanda.  "So how do we work this plan?", I asked Lacy. Lacy's plan was to sneak into the Ares Cabin and steal Sherman's diary that everyone knows he writes in. I know right? HIGHLY DANGEROUS! The Stoll brothers were still where they were when Katie had a mental breakdown. They were probably planning another prank. Then, Lacy's eyes lit up and she turned to me and said, "Why don't we use the Stoll brothers to steal it for us? We could pay each of them two drachma to do it. I bet they would!" 

  I immediately said no way hozay!  "Are you insane Lacy? NO! Then they would know everything and tell Sherman! I mean sure, I could put a curse on them or something - but you know my limits! I would rather steal it ourselves. OMG! What did I just say?" Lacy grinned then she happily skipped to the Aphrodite cabin. Last year, the Second Titan War - I was also granted a reward. The gods had named my Sorceress Seer, protector of honour and relationship, guardian of the Olympian throne-room, the sorceress of the gods. Fancy, eh? I know! Lady Hestia and Hecate even made me this awesome purple cloak that made me look super important and - oh sorry. Right, but I could only it for good. Last year, they also let me see my father - not that I did want to but my story was not like the other half-bloods. My mother, Athena was wise - instead of sleeping with my father, she made his wife pregnant. So technically - I'm kinda a mortal too. I have an older brother named Jack, and two younger sisters named Ava and Kasie. After Kasie was born, when I was four - my father left my mother and us and he never came back. 

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