Part 4 - The Plan

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  Kelly here by the way! So, since this plan is like, super hard to work out. Lacy and I had to sneak into the Ares cabin, steal Sherman's diary and somehow secretly return it. I know right? It's a death sentence. Clarisse always made sure that no one could go into cabin 5 without permission from one of the cabin members. 

   "But Clarisse is still away at the University of Arizona.", Lacy reminded me. 

  Which is true, I'm could be at Cambridge right now, but Clarisse wanted to stay at her university with, Chris. I like Chris, he's nice and treats Clarisse very well - it's just that, I never really trusted him. He had been the indirect cause of death to Beckendorf, or as I called him - HBB, Hammer Boy Beckendorf. I still like Chris though, he just doesn't have my full trust - yet. 

 I could also tell that Miranda was getting a little impatient. Katie had also made a rule that no one from cabin four  was allowed to have any verbal or physical contact with any Hermes cabin kids. Katie's was freaking out, every time anyone mentioned the Stolls - she would yell at them to shut up and do a dramatic storm-out. But I think she'll cool down in a matter of days. Anyway, back to the plan. 

 How the plan worked was that Lacy and I would take over my little sis and Percy's job of cabin inspection. It was perfect, we would go there- pretend to look around and then swipe the diary then rate the cabin and leave. Annabeth was okay with us taking it, probably because I didn't actually tell her the reason - but hey, whose the big sister here? Meh! I met Lacy at Cabin three - Percy's cabin. Lacy liked to go from one to eleven, we were going to let Percy and Annabeth carry on after eleven since we didn't want to over do it. Percy was waiting in his cabin, lying in his bed. I looked around, the floor was clean, his bed was made, his drawers weren't messed up at all. I was about to say five until Lacy looked under his bed. Chip bags, candy wrappers, and for some reason a Little Mermaid towel were shoved under his bed. Percy blushed as Lacy shook her head. 

  She stuck her finger out and wagged it as if she were his mum, "I am terribly disappointed in you Perseus Jackson, I expected better from you. Three." I chide her and I rush her out of Percy's cabin. "I'll get you for that Lacy!", I hear Percy yell as Lacy started giggling. Next stop, cabin four. The cabin is covered in flowers, duh.  We walked inside and I instantly smelled the scent of roses everywhere. A little too strong. Everyone was still dusting and everything while Katie was yelling at them to hurry up. 

Her brownish-auburn hair still had streaks of in it, she finally noticed me and Lacy and smiled, "Cabin four! Go to your bunks! Cabin inspectors, my twelve O' clock!" 

  Everyone scurried to their bunks and waited. Lacy and I looked around, everything was super neat - not one speck of dust, anywhere. I looked at Lacy, and we said at the exact same time, "Five." Katie smiled and continued to yell out orders about bathroom cleaning duty and stuff. I felt like I had to step in, 1) Because Katie was never this intense. 2) Miranda kept sending me begging looks to save her. And 3) Because the sent of roses was way to strong. 

 "Uh Katie?", I cautiously said. Katie whipped her head around like an owl. I know I'd probably get kicked out of Cabin 6's elite math club for saying this, but owls scare me. They just whip their heads around and look into your eyes - as if trying to rip out your soul. Anyway, I started talking. 

  "So, I was just thinking that you might have been a little intense lately." I say, regretting saying that almost immediately. Katie laughed hysterically, "Ha ha Kells! I haven't been intense at all. It's just that I want to prove those Stolls wrong, that they're not as great as us. As great as me! To show them that they can't get to me, AT ALL." 

  Katie literally snapped a petunia in half while saying that. Which is odd, since petunias are her favourite. Again, she yelled at me and did a dramatic storm-out. Everyone winced, even Greg - the new kid winced. Lacy slowly said her goodbyes, and this time, it was her that rushed me out. We quietly walked over to our jack-pot. Cabin five. I know Percy described as dirty and smeared with un-even paint, and it's true. All due to respect to Ares, but cabin five looks like a bathroom toilet.      

  Sherman saw us from the window and I got a glance of him yelling orders at the cabiners. Lacy and I walked into the Ares Cabin. As usual, it got a two. Weapons were thrown around everywhere, not to mention that Mila, an Ares daughter - owns a rat as a pet, and I'm pretty sure it had been "mingling" with some other rats, 'cause there were at least five more rats in the nest that Mila had made. Every single bed was all messed up and dirty, except  Clarisse's. She had specifically told everyone that they were not allowed to touch her bunk under any and all  circumstances.  Sherman must've been trying everybody to get some last minute cleaning done because everyone was still bustling around. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sherman shove a brown leather notebook under his bed sheets, which I may say - have been poorly folded. I nudged Lacy and nodded my head at Sherman's bed, Lacy must've understood because she started an outburst. 


 All the Ares cabiners rolled their eyes, probably thinking what the pain the butt Lacy is, but they all obeyed her. No one wanted extra chores for a week for beating up Lacy. Lacy scurried around they cabin, trying to straiten things up as much as she could. Me? I just stood there awkwardly, trying to give the Ares kids sympathetic smiles. Lacy finally got to Sherman's bed and looked directly at me. Huh? Oh! I finally got a message, she wanted me to create a distraction. Everyone was staring at Lacy, waiting for her to hurry up so we would both leave and then they could start trash-talking us. Lacy looked up at the top bunk first as I tried to think up a distraction. I could pretend to accidentally chop my hand off, I thought of at first. Nah, how about setting the cabin on fire? Oh my gods Kelly! Are you out of your mind? No! Wait, maybe.... No. 

  Lacy finally started fluffing Sherman's pillow and that's when I got my idea. 

How did you guys like this? I know there is no flashback, I'll do that in the next chapter which will be updated in a few days. Thanks guys for your reads, it makes me SUPER DUPER happy! Sorry for the cliff-hanger too! (not) >-< 

  Peace Out, 

  Book Smartie :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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