Part 2 - Lacy

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"Okay, well that escalated quickly.", said Kelly awkwardly. 

Miranda, again - blushed. I sighed, "Miranda, so we know that you like Sherman. But what is it that you want us to do? Make him like you back?"

Miranda nodded, "Yeah,  I guess that's what I want." Kelly looked confused, "But we can't make Sherman like you. If he likes you, he has to like the way you are, like you."                                           I rolled my eyes, "Kelly, you nothing about love. My mum is the Goddess of Love, she had a girdle that could make anyone love her just by wearing it. I'm surprised that she hasn't turned you into a teddy bear yet." I leaned back in my chair and started painting my toe nails. Everyone was silent for a moment though every few seconds you could here Katie yelling at the Stolls, or the Ares cabin fighting with some other campers. I'm guessing that I was really irritating Kelly so she finally spoke up, "Okay Miranda, so I guess you could just leave now. But don't worry, Lacy and I will form a plan soon, k?" Miranda nodded cautiously and left our office. 

"So what are we going to do?", asked Kelly curiously. When it came to love life - Kelly was terrible at that stuff. 

"I already got a plan. We can't focus on Miranda right now, we're focusing on Sherman. But before we start this plan, we need a code name for it." 

"How about Operation Spearing the Cosmos? Get it, 'cause Ares kids like spears and Miranda told us that she first liked Sherman when he was planting cosmos and cosmos are flowers like Demeter an-"

"Yeah, okay I get it Kelly.", I interrupted. "But that's an awful name Kells. It's too long, how about just Operation Cosmos?". Kelly pouted a little. For a 19 year old, she's actually pretty cool sometimes. "Okay, let's make a plan." 

I told Kelly the plan and her face lit up a little. "It's a good plan, but it's super complicated and stuff. Can't we just set them up on a date?", she asked. I shook my head, "No, that's too boring. Plus, that kinda interferes with my Operation Tratie plan."                                                                                           "Tratie?"                                                                                                                                                                                "Yeah, Travis and Katie." 

"You know what, I'm not even going to ask.", she sighed. I went back to painting my toe nails while Kelly continued reading her book. We stay quiet until after 15 minutes we hear Katie letting out an ear-piercing scream that makes me and Kelly run out of our office and sprint to Cabin 4. 

                                                                      Author's POV.          

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Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Updating soon. 

Peace Out, 


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