
933 28 111

10:55 P.M.

trashmouthtozier: i am 🅱️ichie 🅱️ozier from the 🅱️ackstreet 🅱️oys

januaryembersbev: it isn't even 11 yet and you're already this chaotic

trashmouthtozier: i know i know
trashmouthtozier: my hyper episodes happen very late at night
trashmouthtozier: but i just downed two monsters and i am ready to gO

silverdenbrough: two monsters at n i g h t ?

trashmouthtozier: at night.

januaryembersbev: your sleep schedule is gonna be fucked by time school comes back around

trashmouthtozier: meh junior year isn't that important anyway

birdbrainuris: every year is important if you want to have a decent future

nkotbben: speaking of futures
nkotbben: what are your plans guys?

trashmouthtozier: i'm gonna move in with one of you and m00ch

birdbrainuris: i'm going to move far away from here so that richie can't move in with me and "m00ch".

ekaspbrak: i'm gonna move in with stan so he can't "mooch" off of me either

trashmouthtozier: you can't do that eddie i'm moving in with you

ekaspbrak: over my moms dead body

trashmouthtozier: 🔪 :)
trashmouthtozier: i've been waiting for this moment

mikeyhanlon: you're not going to kill eddie's mom

trashmouthtozier: 👀

januaryembersbev: guys i think ben was trying to ask us a serious question

birdbrainuris: oh we're sorry ben

nkotbben: it's okay :)
nkotbben: my mom found an architecture program. i'm thinking about enrolling

mikeyhanlon: that would be great for you bc you built the clubhouse

trashmouthtozier: yeah ben you have ungodly skills when it comes to that shit

nkotbben: thanks guys

januaryembersbev: idk what i'm gonna do. graduate, get a job, work, then die? idk

nkotbben: i'm sure it'll all come to you once senior year rolls around :)

januaryembersbev: thanks ben <3

mikeyhanlon: i think i'll keep working on the farm
mikeyhanlon: my grandpa is getting old and he'll need someone to take care of the animals and crops once he's gone

nkotbben: that sounds fun actually

januaryembersbev: yeah taking care of animals all day every day
januaryembersbev: so cute

birdbrainuris: i personally want to work at the nature center

trashmouthtozier: the one we went to earlier?
trashmouthtozier: at 6 in the FUCKI NG MORNING

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