
772 26 23

4:22 A.M.

nkotbben: is anyone awake?

trashmouthtozier: yeah man ofc i'm awake
trashmouthtozier: what's wrong?
trashmouthtozier: doesn't your mom take your phone away at like 10:30?

nkotbben: i snuck it out

birdbrainuris: why ben?

trashmouthtozier: oh hey stanny

birdbrainuris: hi.
birdbrainuris: ben are you okay?

nkotbben: maybe, just a little down i guess.

trashmouthtozier: wanna talk about it, new kid?

nkotbben: i'm not new anymore

trashmouthtozier: yeah, yeah
trashmouthtozier: sorry haystack

birdbrainuris: richie you're probably making him feel worse

nkotbben: no it's fine
nkotbben: it's just
nkotbben: i love you guys so much
nkotbben: all six of you.
nkotbben: and i don't want to seem weak or cowardly right now or anything
nkotbben: but you guys mean a lot to me and i'm afraid that i don't mean the same to you all

nkotbben: are you guys still here? did i take it too far?
nkotbben: i'm sorry

nkotbben: guys?

januaryembersbev: ben honey no!

mikeyhanlon: ben we love you so much!

ekaspbrak: ^ yeah! we appreciate everything you do for us

silverdenbrough: yeah you're really kind to us
silverdenbrough: and you help us out, even when we don't deserve your help

birdbrainuris: you're also just a really kindhearted and genuine person
birdbrainuris: we all like that about you

silverdenbrough: yeah, we can trust you

nkotbben: thank you guys
nkotbben: i don't think you understand how much i needed that
nkotbben: but where did you all come from? i thought you were sleeping

trashmouthtozier: i called them

januaryembersbev: he woke us all up

nkotbben: for me, rich? that's what took you so long?

trashmouthtozier: uh yeah duh
trashmouthtozier: you deserve all of our love

ekaspbrak: who knew richie had other personality traits besides "quirky"
ekaspbrak: he's also nice apparently

nkotbben: haha eddie come on don't be mean
nkotbben: thank you so much richie
nkotbben: and thanks to everyone else. i love you guys

januaryembersbev: i love you too ben

mikey: i love you too, man

ekaspbrak: love you !

birdbrainuris: love you too, ben.

silverdenbrough: we love you too :)

trashmouthtozier: luv U 2, benny boi

nkotbben: 🤦🏼‍♂️

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