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@trashmouthtozier and @ekaspbrak
12:20 P.M.

trashmouthtozier: what did you need spaghetti?

ekaspbrak: i'll take you out with my bare hands.
ekaspbrak: anyway. you know something that we don't

trashmouthtozier: wdym?

ekaspbrak: with stan
ekaspbrak: you defended him
ekaspbrak: did you guys do something when you hung out?

trashmouthtozier: yeah we went bird watching

ekaspbrak: no dumbass
ekaspbrak: i mean something important

trashmouthtozier: oh
trashmouthtozier: no he just bullied me the whole time like always lol

ekaspbrak: are you lying?

trashmouthtozier: why would i lie to you sweetheart?

ekaspbrak: shut up
ekaspbrak: and okay just making sure

@trashmouthtozier and @birdbrainuris
12:24 P.M.

trashmouthtozier: i just lied to eddie

birdbrainuris: about?

trashmouthtozier: you

birdbrainuris: oh
birdbrainuris: what about me?

trashmouthtozier: gay 4 🅱️ill

birdbrainuris: do that one more time and you won't have fingers to type anything stupid ever again.

trashmouthtozier: sorry, sorry

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