Chapter 21

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Green Arrow was currently trying to fight his way through the prison riot Jason Brodeur's bodyguard Ankov caused to create a diversion so he could kill Declan. The first time, it hadn't been a problem for him, but now he was trying to avoid casualties, which made this slightly more difficult, since this time he didn't want to raise the wrong message about his intentions.

Every time he took out one inmate, two more sprung up in their place and while he was working his way to Declan, his non lethal approach was causing it to take slightly longer than it had before, not because these prisoners were a challenge, but because they kept coming at him. It honestly reminded him of when Diaz had sicced all of Slabside on him, only this time, he had his gear.

Anyways, as more and more inmates continued to surge in, Green Arrow knew that if he wanted to save Declan, he'd have to start using more lethal means when suddenly, all the inmates were taken down at once as a deafening cry and Green Arrow grinned as his ears recovered and saw the Black Canary, dressed in the same suit her earth 2 doppelganger had worn before the Crisis.

"You're late." Green Arrow said.

"And you took a lot longer to deal with the prisoners than you did before. Getting rusty?" Black Canary replied cheekily and Green Arrow grinned at her.

"I'm trying that no killing as a first resort thing earlier this time around. It takes longer." Green Arrow said and Black Canary rolled her eyes.

"Let's do this before Ankov kills Declan." Black Canary said, only to watch as Green Arrow aimed his bow behind him and fired a cable arrow and Black Canary grinned when she heard a yelp of pain and the cable retracted with Ankov in tow and Green Arrow simply whirled around and slugged him unconscious as he flew into his fist.

"How's that for rusty?" Green Arrow asked and Black Canary grinned.

"I take it back. You've still got it." Black Canary said with a grin as Green Arrow hoisted Ankov up and held an arrow to his throat.

"Why were you, Jason Brodeur's security guard, about to kill Peter Declan?" Green Arrow asked.

"I'm not talking?" Ankov said, though it clearly sounded more like a question than an actual statement.

"Fine then, right or left?" Green Arrow asked.

"Excuse me?" Ankov asked.

"I think he's asking which leg you want him to break first. Right or left?" Black Canary said.

"She's right. So you gonna talk?" Green Arrow asked as he tightened his grip on Ankov's wrist.

"Okay, fine, I was here to kill Peter Declan and get the case against my boss dropped." Ankov said, right as Quentin and the SCPD stormed into the prison.

"What's going on here?" Quentin asked, though he already knew as he watched Green Arrow toss Ankov to the ground.

"Detective Lance, this is the man who really killed Camile Declan. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to spill every little detail. Now if you'll excuse us, we have to go." Green Arrow said and before any officers could do anything, both he and Black Canary tossed smoke bombs on the floor to cover their escape.

"In a stunning turn of events, not only has Peter Declan been acquitted and released from Iron Heights, but his former accuser Jason Brodeur has now been sentenced to at least one consecutive life sentence for the murder of Camile Declan and on charges of toxic dumping. The Star City Police Department has refused to comment more on the topic, though rumors do suggest that the same vigilante who attacked Adam Hunt is responsible for it. And on the topic of that, both Ted Gaynor and Martin Somers have both found similar fates as Jason Brodeur with more confirmed vigilante activity." Susan Williams said as Team Arrow watched the news.

"I have to admit, this is the first time I've actually liked her reporting." Thea said.

"That should give Malcolm something to worry about. That's four names crossed off his list. We'll keep crossing them off until he shows himself." Oliver said.

"Maybe we should try to speed up the process a bit." Felicity said.

"What do you mean?" Oliver asked.

"Do what you did the first time you became the Green Arrow. Make your intentions clear to the city now and also force Malcolm's hand." Felicity said.

"Not a bad idea." Oliver said.

"So, are we going on TV?" John asked.

"I guess so." Oliver said.

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