Chapter 41

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Vigilante was perched on a rooftop overlooking the mirakuru soldiers, sniping every single one he could get down when he heard someone approach him.

"Whoever you are, don't try and stop me." Vigilante said.

"Even if I can offer you a more effective means of taking down this army. Vince." a familiar female voice said and Vigilante turned to see the Silver Canary standing in front of him.

"Why do you think my name is Vince?" Vigilante asked.

"Because I know you Vinnie. Better than anyone." Silver Canary said and before Vigilante could question it, she removed her mask to reveal the face of none other than his former partner, Dinah Drake.

"Dinah." Vigilante asked.

"I took off my mask Vince. The least you can do is return the favor." Dinah said and Vigilante sighed, knowing she was right as he removed his mask and Dinah's breath hitched at seeing Vince's face alive again.

"I thought you were dead." Dinah said.

"I am sorry about that Dinah, but to do what I'm doing, I had to cut all ties with my former life." Vince said.

"Vince, it doesn't have to be that way. This life, it doesn't have to be solitary. No one can save a city themselves. You need a team." Dinah said.

"What, like you are? Following the Green Arrow?" Vince asked.

"Yes. And hopefully this will convince you." Dinah said and before Vince could ask what she meant, Dinah pulled out and fired the memory gun at him, restoring his memories of before the crisis.

"So, it sounds like you and Queen patched things up?" Vince asked and Dinah nodded.

"Oliver is my friend and my leader. I trust him with my life. You can trust him too. Vince, you died because you went in alone. Best way to do this is with a team behind you." Dinah said.

"I know you're right." Vince said.

"Still have a hard time admitting that don't you?" Dinah asked with a chuckle.

"We can discuss this more later, but right now, the city could use some saving." Vincent said.

"You're not wrong." Dinah said as they put their masks back on.

"So, want to go save it?" Vigilante asked.

"With you by my side. Always." Silver Canary said with a grin as they headed down towards the ground where the actual fighting was going on.

"Do you think these guys have realized they're outmatched?" Green Arrow asked Deathstroke as they fought their way through the troops Grant had brought with him and even with the mirakuru in him, it was clear that these thugs were outmatched.

"Not sure, none of these thugs ever were too bright." Deathstroke said as he brought his sword on another one of his troops.

"Explains why they were so willing to follow you." Green Arrow said.

"Really?" Deathstroke asked.

"You tried to destroy my city, I think I'm entitled to taunt you a bit." Green Arrow said and Deathstroke shrugged.

"Fair enough." Deathstroke said as they continued to take out the Deathstroke soldiers until finally, only Grant was left.

"Give it up. You can't beat us both." Green Arrow said.

"You really think I'm stupid enough to try?" Grant asked as he dropped a flash bomb, which blinded his father and the Green Arrow long enough for him to escape.

"Any point in searching for him?" Green Arrow asked Deathstroke, who shook his head.

"I trained him myself kid and you know how good I am at stealth." Deathstroke said and Green Arrow nodded.

"We don't find him unless he wants to be found." Green Arrow said and Deathstroke nodded his confirmation of that.

"Okay then. Overwatch, what's the status of the rest of the city?" Green Arrow asked over the comms.

"I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about us for a minute. The team has managed to restore calm to the city for right now, though the government is still in chaos, but there isn't much we can do about that yet." Overwatch said.

"True. Okay then, I brought Deathstroke around, we're going to reconvene at the bunker with the others." Green Arrow said.

"Copy that, but there is something I should warn you about." Overwatch said.

"What?" Green Arrow asked.

"Deathstroke and Emiko aren't going to be the only reformed villains in the bunker when you get back." Overwatch said.

"Meaning?" Green Arrow demanded.

"Vigilante made an appearance tonight and Dinah restored his memories." Overwatch said, taking Green Arrow aback for a second before he got his bearings. Okay, we will deal with that when I get back to the bunker, but do me a favor, give the others a warning and let Tsunami know that while she can blast him, don't shoot to kill." Green Arrow said.

"No promises. I'll try, but don't forget, your sister's not the only one with a grudge against Slade." Overwatch said.

"I know, she's just the most likely to attack first without listening." Green Arrow said.

"Fair enough." Overwatch acknowledged.

When Oliver and Slade entered the bunker, Slade found himself on the receiving end of a water blast that sent him flying into a wall.

"Seriously Speedy?" Oliver asked Thea, who looked way too smug about what she'd done.

"What, the man killed mom, stole our company, left us broke and tried to kill us at least 5 times, he's lucky I didn't drown him." Thea said and Oliver rolled his eyes.

"True, but did you need to hit him that hard?" Oliver asked.

"I wanted it to hurt." Thea said.

"It's alright kid. I'll admit I had that coming." Slade said.

"So, you gonna try and kill us?" John asked Slade.

"Only if you become my enemies for real." Slade said.

"Not helping Slade." Oliver said.

"Hey, I figure if they're willing to give your sister a shot, then maybe they can give me one too." Slade said.

"He's got a point." Emiko said.

"Okay enough. Where's Vigilante?" Oliver asked Dinah.

"Right here. Had I known you were bringing him here, I'd still be packing." Vince said as he made his presence known.

"Try it and powers or not you'd be dead and not because Slade killed you." Oliver said.

"Really?" Vince asked, looking at Dinah.

"Slade tried to kill me because he had a drug in his system that made him insane. He's been cured of it. What was your excuse for every time you tried to off me or my team?" Oliver reminded him and Vince couldn't come up with a response to that.

"You're willing to trust two mass murderers, but not me?" Vince asked.

"They've earned my trust back, whereas you have not. You're only here because Dinah is vouching for you and I trust her. But if this turns out to be a trick." Oliver said.

"Then I'll deal with him myself." Dinah assured Oliver, since she wasn't going to make the same mistake as before. She wasn't going to allow her feelings for Vince to cloud her judgement. Not again. Never again.

"Good. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, we should discuss more important matters. Like the state of the city." Oliver said and they all nodded in agreement.

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