Chapter 24

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"So, what you're saying is that in this reality, I really am Robert Queen's daughter?" Thea asked, honestly relieved after Oliver told her.

"Yeah. Mom told me that while she had been tempted to cheat on dad after she found out about Emiko, she didn't, because that would make her just as bad as him." Oliver said and he could see a weight be lifted off her shoulders knowing that she was no longer the spawn of one of the worst sociopaths in the world.

"That's a relief. But it also means that now Malcolm's sins are Tommy's to bear alone." Thea said, right as Oliver's phone rang and he picked up when he saw it was Quentin.

"Quentin, what's going on?" Oliver asked.

"Your mother just walked into the SCPD and confessed to being an accessory in the Undertaking, but since Queen Consolidated hasn't acquired Unidac Industries yet, the device is a far way from being ready." Quentin said.

"Still. We'll be there as soon as we can." Oliver said as he hung up.

"Ollie, what's going on?" Thea asked.

"That was Quentin. Apparently mom just turned herself into the SCPD." Oliver said, shocking Thea just as much as it had shocked he was.

"Then let's get down to the precinct and see just how much trouble mom is in." Thea said and Oliver nodded as they rushed out of the bunker.

When Oliver and Thea entered the precinct, they found Quentin waiting for them.

"How much trouble is mom in?" Oliver asked.

"Since she came clean much sooner this time around, not as much, but she'll still likely have to face some jail time." Quentin said.

"Please tell me that you can cut a deal with her?" Thea asked.

"We have Kate Spencer on her way here now to deal with exactly that." Quentin said.

"Great. Too bad Laurel doesn't work for the DA's office." Oliver said.

"Even if she did, we both know that due to how close Laurel is with your family, if the legal system worked the way it's supposed to, she wouldn't be allowed to handle this case." Quentin said.

"Can we see her?" Thea asked.

"Right this way." Quentin said as he led them to the interrogation room where Pike was waiting.

"Lieutenant Pike. Is there any chance we could speak to our mother in private?" Oliver asked, silently relieved to see Pike alive.

"Of course." Pike said as he opened the door to let them into the room.

"Mom, what is going on?" Thea asked as she rushed up to her mother.

"After our talk Oliver, I decided that it was time I took after both of my children and stopped living in fear. By coming clean now, I can save at least 503 lives." Moira said and Oliver sighed.

"I didn't mean for you to do this." Oliver said.

"I know, this was my choice. You were right. It's not fair of me to expect anyone else to clean up the messes created by my lies, especially you two. Besides, this will force Malcolm to reveal his true colors and give you an opportunity to stop him before he destroys this city." Moira said and Oliver nodded.

"You know you'll be looking at some kind of jail time right?" Oliver asked.

"I did it before and I'll do it again." Moira said.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Thea asked.

"In the old world, I had too much blood on my hands. Time in prison now is a small price to pay if it means I can absolve that guilt." Moira said and Oliver nodded.

"I get it. I don't like it, but I get it. We'll work with Laurel and Jean to do everything we can to get you out of prison." Oliver said.

"Thank you Oliver. But please, focus more on being the people this city needs both of you to be." Moira said as the DA entered the room.

"Mrs. Steele." Kate Spencer said.

"It's Ms. Queen now. Walter and I are no longer together." Moira said.

"What happened?" Oliver asked.

"He got tired of my keeping secrets, but that's not relevant right now." Moira said.

"Agreed. What is relevant is that you've confessed to aiding and abetting in a terrorist plot that has been in motion for at least five years." Kate said.

"No offense Ms. Spencer, I think this should wait until our mother's lawyer arrives before she answers any questions." Oliver said and Kate nodded her agreement.

"It's my understanding that Ms. Loring in on her way here now." Kate said and Oliver nodded as he hoped things would turn out better this time than they had last time, while also making plans to end Malcolm as quickly as possible before he had a chance to retaliate. This time, he wouldn't let Malcolm off with a warning and he'd make sure that when he killed Malcolm, that he stayed dead.

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