73 songs

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I'm looking for an "Extraordinary Girl". One that when I see her it's like "21 Guns" go off. One that I would travel "2,000 Miles Away" for. If "She's A Rebel" she may turn me into a "Basket Case" or even a "Chump." There will be times where it'll seem like she's "Pulling Teeth" or stabbing me with "Armitage Shanks." Maybe we'll be together through "The Static Age" or until we're "86", possibly even together long enough to "See The Light." It may be "Brutal Love", but after we work things out hopefully she'll "Stay The Night." I don't care if her name's "Maria", "Ashley" or even "Amy" no matter "Whatsername" I'll love her the same. She'll be my "Baby Eyes", my "Lady Cobra", even my "Sweet 16." Guys watch out because if you hurt her you'll be sorry "When I Come Around" and trust me you'll "Know Your Enemy" when I'm done with you. I may be just an "X-Kid", but it'll feel like I'm "King For A Day" when I'm with you. Maybe there'll be nights where it's a "Makeout Party", maybe I can be you're "Dominated Love Slave", possibly going into some "F*** Time." Alright let's not go that far because it may end badly, probably worse than a "Letterbomb" going off. I promise you I'll never have a "Stray Heart", because I'll know while you're gone I'll be "Missing You." And I'll do anything with you, I'm not very religious but I'll even go to "Church On Sunday" with you. No matter what you'll be perfect to me even if you "Let Yourself Go", you'll always be my "Drama Queen." I'll always try to be your "Jesus Of Suburbia", your "St. Jimmy". I wont let you go, if I do I'll be walking down the "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams", I won't be able to say "Good Riddance." I'll just be an "Android", letting thoughts fill what will seem like my "Prosthetic Head." I'll feel like I'm in "Murder City" inside, It'll feel like my "Last Night On Earth." Maybe someone will be our "Peacemaker" and you'll "Give Me Novicane", you coming back will be "The Song Of The Century." I promise I'll apologize for the wrong I've done you, me being an "American Idiot." With you I'll stop being a "Lazy Bones", and you can give me a "Welcome To Paradise." One day we can start a "Nuclear Family", have some "Sweet Children", maybe I'll even have my "Favorite Son", weather or not he's a "Brat." Well celebrate every "Holiday" together and I'll be there "All The Time." Spoil our daughter come her "Homecoming." So all I hope is whoever you are that I find you before I'm "80" and maybe you'll be "Stuck With Me" and that'll be okay. So let's hope that "She" comes into my life soon and I beg of you "Don't Leave Me." So "Oh Love" please don't let me live this "Worry Rock" anymore and I can stop being "Redundant" on the fact the fact that I won't find someone. Maybe I stop being a "Walking Contradiction" and just "Hitchin' A Ride" on the idea that I'll be okay without someone. Please let me stop living in "Misery" and please let me "See You Tonight." Until we meet I'll keep listening to this "Panic Song" and I'll be "Uptight." Until someone reads this it'll be true that "No One Knows", hopefully these won't be "Words I Might Have Ate." I'm tired of "Walking Alone" and living in this "Strangeland." Until I find her let me "Rest", and be this "Disappearing Boy." So anyone who can see me as their "Reject" and be there "In The End", I'll be here. Waiting to just want to find my "Best Thing In Town."

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