Chapter 4 // Bind //

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I felt my feet depart from the ground and my lungs deprived of air. The hand around my neck continued to tighten, and I stared at the eyes of my assailant. He was a tall man, around his early twenties, his eyes glimmered opal blue and hair of obsidian black. He looked like the definition of the night sky.

"Who are you?" He grunted. His hand tightening around my neck.

I wanted to answer if only I wasn't choking. I struggled, my hand gripping on his, when all of a sudden a purple blast from my hand beamed and my assailant was down on his knees.

I gasped for air. I stared at my hand and noticed a tattoo forming on my wrist. It was a bracelet-like tattoo with ancient writings on it and in the middle of my wrist was a drawing of the moon and sun interlocking.

"H-How." He uttered, I looked back at him. He glared again and prepared to attack me once more. I threw my hand in the air to shield myself from the attack, but it never came.

I open my eyes to see that he froze. He stood there frozen and unable to move. "Release me, mortal!" He demanded. "Are you aware of whom you are apprehending, brat?"

"W-who're you calling brat?" I choked. That bloke tried to fucking kill me! And he has the audacity, the temerity, to call me a brat!? "You psychopath!"

"You dare cross me? Do you not know who I am?"

I raised a brow. "Are you a celebrity? did you win an oscar? I don't know who the fuck you are, psycho!" I glared at him while caressing my neck, his grip still lingered.

He blinked. "A-Are you mocking me?"

I fien being baffled. "Me? Mocking thee? I would not dareth good sir."

He stared at me, annoyed. "Stop that!"

"You mean; stopeth thee?"

"Enough!" He bellowed and the wind was silent again. He managed to break free from the spell and walked towards me, I took a step back and noticed my hand glowing. He seems to have noticed it too which led him to stop. "Where did you get that mark?"

I opened my eyes to look at what he was referring to but he took my hand forcibly. I saw that he was referring to the tattoo imprinted on my wrist. "I don't know it- it just-" the tattoo glowed.

"Aghhhhhh" He cried all of a sudden, his hand was scratching his neck. A pattern similar to the one imprinted on my wrist formed on his neck like a choker.

"What the-" before I could say anything my wrist began to burn.

A seal of blood will be your bind
for your crimes against mankind
To harm your master will be efforts waste
As the chains on your neck will put you in place
Until you heal the wounds you have cast
Your freedom will forever be lost

A group of voices chanted inside my head. As soon as the voice disappeared, so did the burning sensation in my wrist. I look around no one was there. But the voices-

"That bitch."

Oh, right I almost forgot the presence of murderous psycho.

"Wait-" I said. "You heard it too? the voices?"

He raised a brow. "Who do you think it was meant for?"

If the voice meant for him to be punished, then that means he can't hurt me. "Then this tattoo, on my wrist, on your neck- it's-"

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