I'm fine.

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Okay here's the trigger warnings

⚠️ TW: non-con sex/rape⚠️ don't worry though it's not at all explicit.

That evening Ianto sat in his flat, his mind over flowing with thoughts of jack and Lisa. The two people in his life that managed to make a difference. One which he fell in love with and one who he hadn't known for long but somehow knew that he wanted them. He needed to go out tonight and take his mind off of all of ... whatever this was.

He threw on a red shirt and some black jeans tying a black tie around his neck. He spritzed on some aftershave. It's fine. It didn't matter how he looked. He didn't actually want to pull tonight. He made his way to his car just as the sun was beginning to set. He had left his phone at home: he was planning on getting drunk and really couldn't go about losing his phone.

The club was packed with a mass of writhing bodies. The air was thick with alcohol and lust. No one noticed the Welshman in the corner. They definitely didn't notice that he was alone. Ianto was glad. He decided he liked being invisible. A man approached him. The man had dark brown tousled hair and a chiseled jawline. "Hello pretty" the man spoke in a predatory way as he approached ianto. "I uhm" ianto replied. The man looked a little like jack in Ianto's drunken haze but he acted nothing like the captain, not to mention this man's heavy London accent. "Don't be shy gorgeous ... let me get a look at you", the man stepped closer. Ianto gulped "I Uhm" he repeated once again. The man was ... attractive ... yes ... he was.

Before ianto even really knew it he was being dragged roughly into a taxi. A a large hand on his face and a hot mouth on his neck. He was pulled back out of the car and dragged towards a dingy looking house. He gulped. This looked... not good. He gasped when he was pushed onto the bed. In a way this was what he wanted.

He woke the next morning with a groan. His head was pounding. He opened his eyes and froze glancing around the dimly lit and grimy looking room. "Mornin gorgeous" a male voice growled. Ianto tried to shift ... but something was restricting him. He glanced up too where his hands were tied to the bed post with his own silk tie. "Why am I tied up" ianto panicked. "Well you seemed to enjoy it last night" a female voice informed him. He twisted and came face to face with a dark haired woman. The man pulled a face "you called me jack last night when you finished" he muttered sourly, "and you called me Lisa" the woman added. "I um... I don't remember" Ianto groaned "wait did we use..." his eyes scanned what little of the floor he could ... he couldn't see any trace of a condom or it's wrapper. "Protection?" The man huffed a laugh "... god no... Annie here is on birth control why would we need it" he laughed arrogantly. Ianto really didn't feel up to schooling him... so he stayed quiet trying not to focus on the cool trickling sensation on his thighs... that could be blood... for all he knew. He struggled against the tie once more with little success "I need to ... go" he told them. "Oh but why does the fun have to be over pumpkin" the man purred. Ianto really didn't like the way he was being leered at. "I need to go to ... work" ianto choked out. "No you don't" the man told him calmly. Ianto gulped as the man crawled up the bed towards him. "Um no please don't ... no I don't want ... please just let me go home NO PLEASE" ianto babbled and yelled weakly as his legs were forced apart. He let out a choked sob of pain and defeat.

They finally let him go at about mid day. He hailed a taxi trying to act normally as he rubbed at the pain in his wrists from his struggling. He crashed into his flat with a choked sob and yell as he stripped his clothes from his body, tossing them into a black bin bag. He never wanted to see that outfit again. He stepped into an almost scalding hot shower. He felt dirty he needed to cleanse himself. He scrubbed his skin red raw before he was satisfied. He glanced at himself in the mirror with hate and disgust. He was marked and disgusting... and he still felt tainted. He threw himself onto his bed and began to sob.

————— time skip —————

It had been two weeks. No one had really seen Ianto. He wasn't picking up his phone. And he certainly wasn't turning up at work. The only person who had seen ianto in those two weeks was yvonne when she had called for the money. Ianto had practically thrown the money at her before slamming the door in her face.

Ianto sighed as he turned his phone on. He just needed to call the school and make excuses for himself before he was fired. Immediately his phone pinged with new voicemails ... twenty of them... all from jack.

Voicemail one: "hey ianto... I'm sorry for being so harsh earlier ... call me back?"

Voicemail two: "yan? Please don't ignore me"

Voicemail three: "ianto... I came over ... why aren't you in ... where are you... I will see you at work tomorrow ... yeah?"

Voicemail four: "ianto why weren't you in today .... you're starting to worry me now"'

Voicemail five: "yan... please I need to know you're okay.. why isn't your car where it normally is"

Voicemail six: "please talk to me ... you're not mad ... right?"

Voicemail seven: "your car hasn't been there for three days now I've checked is it ... being repaired or something?"

Voicemail eight: "are you okay ... are you sick?"

Voicemail nine: "ianto it's been a week... I'm worried about you... where are you"

Voicemail ten: "I found your car outside a club collecting parking tickets ... some are dated last week... ianto what's going on"

Voicemail eleven: "ianto please I'm worried sick about you just please pick up your phone or call me back or something"

Voicemail twelve: "yan? I miss you"

Voicemail thirteen: "I'm so worried something bad has happened to you"

Voicemail fourteen: "you're not going to answer me are you?"

Voicemail fifteen: "ianto please I need to know you're safe I'm so worried no ones heard anything..... I'm sorry" (this one sounded like jack was crying)

Voicemail sixteen: "ianto... I do care about you I really do.... I .... please"

Voicemail seventeen: "god yan-yan please pick up please ... I need to hear your voice"

Voicemail eighteen: "I'm sorry ianto ... I'm so sorry ... please be okay please don't have done anything stupid"

Voicemail nineteen: "what have you done to me ianto jones... I'm worried sick I can't eat or sleep i need to know you're okay ... please ... ianto... just one thing let me know that you're..." jack's voice broke "alive ...."

Voicemail twenty: "ianto? Anything please I- I need you"

Ianto was crying. Jack sounded broken. But ianto FELT broken. He fired off one text.

I'm fine x ~ ianto

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