Getting reacquainted

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"It's a bit of a mess" Ianto admitted apologetically as they entered his flat. Jack shrugged "still a lot tidier than my place ever is". Ianto laughed "true" he agreed earning him a shove from jack "you weren't supposed to agree ianto". The Welshman laughed "okay, okay... your place is always sunshine and rainbows" he announced in a fake fairy like voice.

A second later silence fell around them and ianto glanced nervously towards the bedroom "do you want to?..." he suggested. Jack shook his head "not quite yet... I believe I was promised a film, drinks and chocolate". Ianto grinned and led jack through to the living room.

Ianto poured the scotch and handed a glass to jack while placing his own on the small glass coffee table in front of the sofa "what film do you want to watch" he questioned, half expecting the captain to choose something action packed and not at all cartoony. Jack sipped his drink thoughtfully "how about we watch .... Hercules?" He suggested. Ianto's face lit up "I thought you didn't really like it all that much..." he pointed out . Jack shrugged "I don't mind it plus you love it and anything to make you happy". Ianto blushed as he slotted the DVD into the DVD player before making his way to settle down on the sofa. Ianto day next to jack rather stiffly, feeling a little awkward. Jack frowned, placing his own glass on the table next to Ianto's and snaking his arm around ianto's waist, pulling him closer. Ianto didn't even realise he had started singing to the song 'I won't say I'm in love' until jack pointed it out. Ianto blushed his voice fading out as he ducked away from jack in embarrassment. "You have a beautiful voice though" jack murmured softly, stroking Ianto's back as they watched the film. Ianto leant into the touch, "says you... mr music teacher". Jack laughed, "see that means I know what I'm talking about" he pointed out. A few moments passed before ianto spoke again "jack... why did you want to go away?". Jack froze "I ... um it's just silly" he muttered. Ianto leant against jack and placed a hand on his chest "I won't judge" he murmured softly. Jack shrugged "just thought you'd be better off without me". Ianto smiled softly popping a chocolate into jack's mouth from the open box next to them, "never" he told him earnestly. Jack giggled "I'm a bit silly aren't I?" He joked through his mouthful of chocolate. Ianto huffed a laugh "yeah... pure of heart... dumb of ass". Jack shoved him lightly, "Oi did you just adorably call me a dumbass... when I said I was silly you weren't supposed to agree with me". Ianto squeaked slightly, hanging onto jack as he laughed while trying not to fall off the sofa. "Don't worry" he muttered comfortingly to jack as he finally stalked himself "it's why I love you". He hadn't even meant to say it. It just slipped out. Did he love jack? Of course he did. He had done for a while. Jack went still. Shit. He'd messed this up. How did he mess it up so quickly? Jack shook himself from his shock as ianto stared into his eyes anxiously. The captain placed a hand on Ianto's face and smiled softly "i love you too". Jack had expected ianto to smile back or even be relieved, he certainly hadn't expected the look of intense confusion that crept its way into Ianto's beautiful features. "Why?" The Welshman asked in a scarily genuine tone "why do you love me ... of all people i- I don't understand". Jack's heart shattered. Did ianto really think he wasn't loveable? The American pulled ianto in closer resting his chin on the welshman's soft chocolate coloured hair "because" he informed him in a low voice as the first played behind them "because ... you are so perfect ... and you're kind and funny and gentle and you make me so so happy". Ianto was quiet for a while before he sniffled slightly. A rush of panic flooded jack's body, turning his blood to ice "shit sorry did I say too much did I..." he trailed of as ianto looked up into his eyes, shaking his head tearfully. "It was... it was perfect ... you just mean so much to me I thought maybe I wasn't as important to you". Jack's pulled ianto closer so their foreheads were touching "you... ianto jones... are the most important thing in my life by far" he stated seriously before finally closing the gap between them. Ianto's tears were salty on jack's lips, but he didn't care. He ran his hand over Ianto's body, the film long forgotten in the back ground. Ianto tasted of chocolate initially but underneath was the subtle bitterness of coffee. Everything jack could smell and taste was just so very simply ianto... and he loved it. He loved every second and every inch of ianto. Ianto still marvelled at how jack could so easily take his problems away. How jack could sooth with his voice and heal with his mouth. Ianto gasped as the feel of jack's cool hand began to creep over his warm chest. They pulled away for air with a gasp, the sound of the film suddenly reminding them where they actually were. "Bedroom?" Ianto breathed. "Bedroom" jack confirmed in the same breathy tone. They hauled themselves up from the sofa, giggling at their subconscious efforts to stay intertwined before they tugged each other towards ianto's bedroom.

——— time skip ———

Ianto lay perfectly still, bathing in his lingering bliss as jack ran a cool flannel over him. He was vaguely aware of a towel being used to dry him off before jack slipped back into the bed, pulling the covers back up around them. Ianto sighed happily and snuggled into jack's side, "you make me happy" he admitted sleepily. Jack chuckled "you make me happier" he fake argued. Ianto shook his head "hmmm no... you make me the happiest" he protested with a small yawn. Jack pulled ianto closer, smiling when the welshman's arm fell to rest on his chest. "Ianto?" He murmured softly "love you ...". Ianto looked up "love you too" he stayed simply before cuddling back down into the warmth of the bed. They allowed themselves to be taken to the land of dreams as they curled up, safe in the others embrace. Neither of them were aware of the events which were to follow just a few hours later.

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