"Reality is harsh
And dreams are soft."
And that is why reality is so harsh.
But what if you can make the reality soft, by embracing your dreams?
The Rose and The Daisy
So wassup ma readers,, I'm really glad yu opened ma work ,, i really appreciate it ya kno.
So what i wanted tu say is that I'll write kimmy instead of noora every time,, but Kim Noora is and will be her nqme as always. It's just that kimmy sounds more fun than NOORA. yu kno what i mean?. So whatev,, i luv yu all n yu guys can ask me literally ANYTHING in the comments,, and i will answer each n every one of it I PROMISE.
lets get on with the story then.
Kimmy opens her eyes as the sunlight hits her delicate morning eyes. She opens her eyes and hugs her pillow close to her body as she can feel his fragrance on herself more than any other day.
She remembers the way he touched her hair and combed it in a soothing way after the fight to calm her down. The way he pressed his lips on her forehead while he held her neck in the most delicate way, just like the touch of a soft flower petal..
She remembers how he hugged her tight with nothing else but love and care for her..
She was having her moment remembering when "KIMMY GET YO ASS READY FOR SCHOOL MOM SENT ME H3RE TU WAKE YO ASS UP IM NOT GON SAY IT TWICE GETUP RIGHT NOWWWW" her annoying little brother makes her snap out of it.
"WILL YOU STOP THAT IM AWAKE" she says as her ears were about to bleed due to this noisy little human being.
She gets out of bed and smiles looking at the daisy as always.
She waters the plant and gets ready for school.
She walks to school along the gardens .
She reaches her school and gets inside her classroom.
"MA BAYBEEE" lisa says and hugs kimmy tight. "I made sure that those three bitches will never ever come close tu yuuu }:33" lisa says and makes a proud of maself face.
Kimmy sighs and smiles at lisas cuteness.
Classes flow by but one thing has be bugging kimmy off since she arrived school..the flowers in the school garden look like nobody watered them since morning. Kimmy gets worried and feels like those flowers were calling her for care..
"I need tu save ma babies" Noora thinks out loud and lisa give her a "wut" expression.
Lunch break
"Listen here ma baby ,, i have sum club work to do so i can't be with you at lunch today but remember,,,, if yu need me i am just one call away " lisa says caring for kimmy while sparkling her eyes.
"Lisaa... I'm not a baby.. i can handle myself" kimmy says pouting. "YESS YU ARE MA BABY" lisa says and hugs her for one last time and goes to her club room.
kimmy goes to the drinkable water containers and fills her water bottle up before heading for the stairs to go to the garden.
She starts walking the stairs and gets to a curve
Just at the very moment she hears someone saying "COMING THRUUUU" Kimmy turns around and screams in an instant dropping her water bottle ,,, the guy did a somersault and which caused her to scream and also got startled by her scream to accidentally slip on the water and land on his butt.
Two girls see this scene and get startled in a drmatic slow motion way.
"Oh my god , oh my go... I'm- I'm so sorry i didn't mean to startle you..." kimmy says apologising continuously.
"No problem pretty lady I Am Fine " the guy says in a dramatic heroish way.
The other two girls come to the guy and try helping him " omg ayno oppa are you hurt are you okayyyy?" The girls say and ayno replies by saying " I'm okay ladies i am OUKAY" he says and poses like a man.
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"And what must be your name pretty lady" ayno says looking at kimmy.
Before kimmy could say anything a hand gets wrapped around her shoulder " Her name is kimmy AND DONT YOU DARE TO EVEN LUK AT MA BABY SHE MINE" lisa says and hides kimmys face inside her blazer and drags her out of the place. Shooting lasers at aynos face.
Lisa takes her in an empty classroom and starts checking kimmy "are you hurt did he say anything did he hurt youu??? "lisa says panicking.
"No lisa.. I'm fine don't worry it was my fault,, he slipped on sum water that i spilled.." kimmy says trying to calm lisa down .
"Dammit it would be better if he broke a leg or something " lisa says blowing her rage out.
Kimmy calms lisa down and goes to lunch.
School ends
Kimmy walks home and finishes her work as usual .
At the family dinner table
"What in the frickity frackity is the problem with me having a cell phone!!!???" Jisung, kimmys brother says to their mom.
"Can you two please lower your voices I'm trying to talk with my daughter" says papa.
"oh of course honey,,, YOUR FATHER SAID KEEP QUIET SO KEEP FREAKING QUIET KIM JISUNG" her mother says looking at her son.
"YEAH AS IF I CARE! I . WANT . A . CELLPHONE ." Jisung says as their mother literally flies to him from the kitchen with a spatula and smacks his head.
"Well,, noora my daughter you must inherit the shop after i retire,, I'm getting old you know.." says papa keeping his calm even though the mother n son are having a bullfight.
"Yes papa of course,, this has been my only dream since childhood.." Kimmy says and smiles widely at her father.
Dinner ends and kimmy runs up to her bedroom since it's way past bedtime because of work and dinner.
She quickly takes a shower and changes into her pajamas.
She waters her daisy and goes to bed and stares at the daisy as she was not being able to fall asleep.
She tries for some time and then eventually her eyes drift off to sleep..